Hi New Mommy,
I read your post because I am a mom of a special needs child and I have done extensive research on alternative therapies that help children with special needs. I have never done any research on that particular condition, but I could have referred you to someone who could have helped you if it was your child.
Since you are a new mom you may want to carefully research vaccines and immunizations. This is a very important decision that every parent needs to make for their children and the decision may differ from child to child. I never even thought twice about it when my son was born. A friend told me I needed to research it, but I was so overwhelmed with all the complications of my son's unexpected condition, that it took me awhile to collect myself enough to focus on it.
There are doctors and nurses on both sides of this debate. Hep. B and MMR are the most controversial along with just the ridiculous number altogether of vaccines given. I did not immunize my son after 6 months. He did not get the MMR, thank GOD! A dear friend of mine's child had a reaction to the MMR vaccine and was then diagnose autistic after being in perfect health up until that point. It was a clear and drastic change that occurred immediately after the vaccine was given.
I have yet to find a child diagnosed with autism who DID NOT get vaccinated in general. I have not looked in the last 6 months but so far the AMA is not releasing that information. I believe they said it is not available at this time. If anyone knows where I can find this information I would love to read it. The good news is there are a handful of successful therapies that do reverse autism if the child is lucky enough to have open-minded parents.
To share my experience with the decision whether to vaccinate or not, I found a very good homeopathic doctor and asked her what children were vaccinated for that she DID NOT feel comfortable treating homeopathically if my son were to get it. She said there was not anything. So even though I did not follow the USA mainstream medical protocol, which I do not at all now. I had a solid Plan B.
Very happy to hear you are a new mommy of a healthy baby girl! Isn't being a mom the greatest?