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Topic: Bill Cosby & Temple University  (Read 1585 times)


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Bill Cosby & Temple University
« on: December 01, 2014, 03:08:36 pm »
Bill Cosby has just resigned from Temple's Board of Directors due to all the allegations made by the 26 women.  What do you think?
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Re: Bill Cosby & Temple University
« Reply #1 on: December 01, 2014, 04:19:51 pm »
I don't really care.  From what I read and understand he was forced to voluntarily resign.  I do not believe he raped almost 30 women over 30 years ago and not one of them said anything at the time.  They are lying and looking for a payout.  I am in a tight spot and need money--Maybe I should accuse him of rape. lol


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Re: Bill Cosby & Temple University
« Reply #2 on: December 01, 2014, 09:04:11 pm »
Again the world is so deceptive ya just dont know what to believe.

I am old enuff to remember JFK killed in 1963.It seems the Warren Commission was a bunch of crap as time went on.Who knows.

Back in the 60s ya never heard of the sex scandals in the churches...but obviously they were going on.

So draw your own conclusion with Cosby.It wouldnt shock me either way!!


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Re: Bill Cosby & Temple University
« Reply #3 on: December 02, 2014, 05:49:59 am »
hitch, that is because we did not have the social media and tv and radio reporters sharing every bit of info they get the second they get it.  These days if a kid passes gas in the middle of class it is likely to make national news.

Yes, I am sure there was sex among church members, pastors and members, church elders sexually assaulting kids or teens in the church.  Whatever.  None of that is new.  It is just that now you hear about every thing.

And you have the shaming as it is called and just in general trying to ruin someone's life and most times before you even have the facts.  Kind of like when you hear something happened at your kid's school with a teacher and everyone shares it all over facebook and then you find out the kid lied and it did not happen.  Doesn't matter because that teacher's life is already ruined.  Nobody hears or wants to hear the "it did not happen".  They just want to hear the bad and the gossip.  And that is what they want to share with everyone.

In my opinion it takes a really pathetic person to come up 30 years after something happens or supposedly happened and try to get someone in trouble or make them look bad.  I have had things on the job happen to me that were very wrong.  I did not say anything at the time and if others had similar things happen and tried to start something now I would NOT join their cause.  If you don't say anything for 30 years then don't say it now.  Besides the fact that having an affair (which I do believe happened) is not the same thing as rape.  This he raped me for 6 years while paying for my child's college education, buying me cars, and a new house crap just don't fly!


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Re: Bill Cosby & Temple University
« Reply #4 on: December 02, 2014, 06:47:30 am »
he should sue them for slander if not true and cler his name.But if true he should be in jail for life.


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Re: Bill Cosby & Temple University
« Reply #5 on: December 02, 2014, 12:50:39 pm »
Listen...this world treated Jesus as a criminal and killed him.....what was worse than that?

OJ got off with murder!!!What does it tell you about this world?Obviously there is much injustice!!!

But mankind is TOOOOOOOOO stubborn to think hes gonna fix it all by himself!!Isnt the proof in the pudding?

I understand we can all have an opinion by what we read and hear with the Cosby thing,but it really is kinda hard to know the truth.We werent there.And suppose you hang someone who is innocent?

Oh i made a mistake!!Cmon!!


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Re: Bill Cosby & Temple University
« Reply #6 on: December 02, 2014, 05:01:16 pm »
Twenty and thirty years ago rape was thought of very differently than today in some ways.  Then it was even more a woman's fault than today.  Also, dealing with someone with a lot of power and authority in the world of multi media could make a person think twice!  However, I don't want to totally condemn him until he is proven guilty in a court of law.  Think it will ever reach that far with him?  I wonder.......????!!!!


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Re: Bill Cosby & Temple University
« Reply #7 on: December 02, 2014, 07:23:41 pm »
I don't believe that many women would lie about his behavior.  Maybe justice is being served for the jello man.  Some people can keep their skeletons in their closet as long as they haven't hurt other people.  It's not my place to assume that he's guilty; however, if it's true....

I respect the fact that these women now have the courage to come forth.   :heart:
Have a great day!


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Re: Bill Cosby & Temple University
« Reply #8 on: December 03, 2014, 05:39:03 am »
Listen...this world treated Jesus as a criminal and killed him.....what was worse than that?

OJ got off with murder!!!What does it tell you about this world?Obviously there is much injustice!!!

But mankind is TOOOOOOOOO stubborn to think hes gonna fix it all by himself!!Isnt the proof in the pudding?

I understand we can all have an opinion by what we read and hear with the Cosby thing,but it really is kinda hard to know the truth.We werent there.And suppose you hang someone who is innocent?

Oh i made a mistake!!Cmon!!

Comparing Billy Cosby to Jesus is a little out there.  They killed Jesus because they were threatened by him.  Everyone knew He had done nothing wrong.

Back to Cosby.  The biggest reason I can't believe this is true is because there is no way 20 plus women were all raped by the same man and NONE of them said a word when it happened.  And didn't one of them say it went on for 8 years or so?  WHY would you keep going around him?  Oh, because it was an affair and he was paying you like $2000 a week or month to play the little game.  There is really no way to know the real truth.  People are really good at lying.  Which includes him if anything happened.  He is not going to admit to anything. 

The fact that they are suing him for money pretty much tells me it is all about money and they are not telling the truth.  Besides the fact that even IF they are telling the truth the statute of limitations are WAY past due.  This was over 30 years ago.  Shut up and live your own life.  Get a job and make your own money!


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Re: Bill Cosby & Temple University
« Reply #9 on: December 03, 2014, 01:28:04 pm »
Countrygirl i used the Jesus comparison to demonstrate the injustice in this world.Whether Cosby is guilty or not there is injustice involved either way.

Obviously injustice with Jesus cos you are right.He was a threat to all the  creeps out there that were afraid how is influence would be with HIS righteousness and i think they really knew HE was Gods son!!

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