I have light eczema on my face and ears. Anyone have good solutions for this? It can't wear make up or earrings bc of this and feel self conscious.
I have very bad eczema all over, because mine is triggered by allergies ( I have 60+) But my dermatologist said to put on Hydrocortisone anti itch cream and then Eucerin (sp? it's Vaseline based) lotion a few times a day especially after showering and such. Hope it helps I know how bad it sucks and how bad it can make you feel!!
If you have "eczema" and that many allergies, have you been tested for Celiac Disease? 20% of Celiac patients manifest with "dermatitis herpetiformis," a rash that is frequently misdiagnosed as eczema but is unique to Celiac Disease. Another 20% of DH-rash bearing Celiacs have NO digestive symptoms whatsoever. Also, an excessively high amount of food allergies is a major indicator of an autoimmune condition, like Celiac. You should talk to an immunologist, or go on a gluten free trial of around 3 months (it takes 90 days to get all remaining traces of gluten related symptoms out of your diet). You might find relief that is better than what the creams can do. ALSO, if you're not allergic to coconut, you might try virgin cocnut oil on the outbreaks, it has been very effective for my son (who had a horrible DH rash, now that we're on the GAPS diet for his Celiac he only breaks out when the nearby wheat crops are in pollen...sheesh). It works well on both DH rashes AND eczema.
Thanks for the info. I have not been tested for Celiacs and it wouldn't surprise me if I had it given all the immune problems I have. I do see an immunologist and have had allergy testing, etc. It looks like I have several skin conditions including eczema, psoriasis, seborrhea, and puritis, along with specific allergens, so the skin stuff is getting complicated. Lots of creams to try and products to stay away from. It is quite overwhelming.
Yikes! That definitely does sound overwhelming! I know a lot of folks (my own family included) who have found quite a bit of help through healing dietary protocols. They can be restrictive and, because of that, intense, but for many the drastic improvements make it worthwhile. There are a lot of different diets for autoimmune conditions, and I know a few people for each one, so I can attest to the helpfulness of them. They are:
The GAPS Diet (Gut And Psychology/Physiology Syndrome) - That is the diet my family is on
The Specific Carbohydrate Diet (or SCD Diet)
The Paleo Diet (Specifically the "Autoimmune Protocol," Which differs from the normal paleo diet)
The Maker's Diet
Books for each of them include Gut And Psychology Syndrome (Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride), Breaking the Vicious Cycle (Elaine Gottschall), The Maker's Diet (Jordan Rubin).
For Paleo for Autoimmune, you can find things all over the internet but there are so many books I don't have one specific title for you.