I think the statistics actually show that the crime has actually gone down from generations ago, so it is actually safer (non-internet) in today's world than ever. HOWEVER, the perceived changing times increase in crime & danger have to do in part to the smaller world we live in, with social media, the internet, smart phones, etc... information about everything gets out so fast & en masse. Back in the day, there was only the nightly news to report & the newspaper, and word of mouth, no efficiency at all in reporting so people were left in the dark & often things weren't even reported.
7 seems really young to let kids go to the park six blocks away. Way too young. What was the woman doing that she couldn't watch her own child at play in the park, what was more important to her than watching her child. 6 blocks is VERY far for a second grader to venture, it's not just out in front of the house.
She should have a visit from social services, & some parenting classes. Arresting seems overkill, but I don't know the circumstances fully.