Obamacare is a joke. I have always said and will continue to stand by this, Obama is a socialist. To this day it irks me more than anything that he continuously infringes our rights to make everyone "equal." I should NOT have to pay more taxes just so it's "fair," to the people who do not work as hard as me and therefore earn a lower salary. Somewhere along the road if they had applied themselves and worked hard, they would deserve to make more than they do. Unfortunately our country is becoming used to and everyone is starting to expect the government handouts given by the Democrats. This is sad because I see Democrats being in charge for awhile still to come due to the fact that teenagers (I'm a teen myself) and minorities(Not racist, but Obama tends to focus on them) and most of society, have no idea that these handouts have major downsides to them. They aren't miracles, they cost US. Us being the hard working upper class. We have to pay more to provide for people that don't make us much. Capitalism is the greatest system, shown by Ronald Reagan, yet it is being destroyed every single day more and more because of the damn Democrats. I should be able to keep my money, it's MY money. If I wanted to give my money to other people and have it redistributed, I'd move to North Korea or China. Obama and his whole administration are ruining this country. Back to Obamacare, wait times for doctors is ridiculous. Canada has a major problem where it can take 6 months to even see a doctor even if you have something as serious as cancer. That's going to be the U.S. shortly. Why should us wealthier folk have to pay for everyone else's care with our increased tax prices? It's crap. Nothing pisses me off more than to see Obama single handedly destroy this great nation. Sorry that was so long, he sucks.