Why do some Religions think this okay, but yet are against abortion. Yes I know one is having many wives and other is aborting a fetus. Yes some will say there is a difference but at same time hypocrites are those who think polygamy is okay and the other is murder but yet both are none of any body business. People choose to do what they want to do.
I'm confused... Are you actually saying that murder is not anybody's business?! That people can do whatever they want to do, even if it infringes on someone else's rights (esp. their right to life)?! I can't believe that is what you mean...
Or were you saying that the hypocrites would say that... If that's the case, then you misunderstand what they are saying; they may say that abortion is murder, but they would not then say that it is nobody's business, which is why they'd argue that abortion should be illegal.
That is the main problem about the issue of abortion. Even disregarding religion, we as a society still haven't come up with an explicit definition for when a person's life actually begins. As I had mentioned in a different thread, one could argue that just as death is defined as when there is no more brain activity, then life should be defined as when brain activity commences, which would be late in the first trimester of a pregnancy. Others might argue that life should be defined as when a baby has been born, after it has left its mother's womb. If so, then one could argue that killing a pregnant woman should not be considered a double homicide as some states currently have. Because of this grey area of when life begins, there is also a grey area as to whether abortion is the killing of a life and therefore should be treated as a murder, or if it is just the removal of needless tissue and therefore should be treated as any other similar surgery (like the removal of a tumor).
Marriage, in a legal sense, is defined by the state where it is issued in order to afford the married couple certain benefits. Because these benefits are things that are granted by the government, then the government should be able to dictate the terms in order to receive such benefits. As such, a state may define marriage as between 2 people for financial reasons... This is the stated reason why Utah has become more relaxed with their polygamy laws in still criminalizing the act of actually getting multiple marriage licenses from the state, but decriminalizing the act of having multiple adults living in the same household (in Utah's eyes, a polygamist family only has one legally recognized married couple with other people also living together). I do think, however, that Utah's stance on marriage itself is somewhat hypocritical in that their logic for being against polygamy is for financial reasons, yet their reason for being against same-sex marriages is because its wrong (without a valid reason why other than a religious / moral stance). This is where I see more people being hypocritical; for polygamy they'll incorrectly assert that it isn't anybody's business except for those in the marriage and yet won't view same-sex marriages in the same rational.