to me it depends on the type of love..
I am a hard critic on love! I don't really belive the word exists anymore.
Well.. it exists to an extent...
Yes Love is a word people throw around to get what they want
Now of course i beilve in loving family, Loving friends, loving your animals but that's feeling
People tend to fall in love and expect something right out of a fairytale.
It doesn't work like that..
LOVE is suppost to be a mutual feeling and attraction
That does not mean your going to fall in love and
all of a sudden your gonna stop finding other ppl attractive
or not have arguements or fights
LOVE is only kind when you are...only passionate when you make it
Its not easy to fall out of love if you do then you never really loved the person..
You can grow apart but you never really fall out of love unless you never loved them..
They say you never forget your first love...If thats true you never reallly fall out of love
of course this is only my opinion lots of people have diffrent takes on love.
My granny and papa were a good example of love
they were married 60 some odd years
they argued, they fought from time to time but
they never gave up on their love...
when my papa died my granny struggled....
The only way she coped was talking about my papa
how great he was how much she loved him all her
good and bad memories ..Love never dies i guess
no matter how much we heard the stories already we just
let her talk she needed to remember her love it made her happy
she eventually died although unknown reason..
people did belive it was a broken heart..
She was a happy person but you never know
how the person is really feeling on the inside..
at least now she can truely be happy...
up in heaven with him..
LOL..i know i said i don't belive in love.. but if you read their love
and look into the world today...and see all the "love"
you would understand my point of view...
Like i said..i'm a hard critic on it..
I don't neccicarily belive it doesn't exist..but i do belive love doesn't mean perfect ..that kind of love only belongs in fairytales