I did not say I have lost freedoms, I just fear the country is headed down a path where some will be taken away. Maybe it is paranoia, but it is a real fear I have. And no, I do not think they are listening to me specifically. Even if they did, the only thing of interest would be me bashing Obama and his policies and hoping to God the country does not get run completely down the crapper. It is simply a matter of personal freedoms. I am just scared of what is to come.
I assume you mean allow women's suffrage, because ending it would mean women not voting. If I recall, Lincoln ended slavery and he was a Republican, which is much closer to conservative views than liberal ones. As for the founding fathers, they were not liberals nor conservatives. Their ultimate goal was to create a country where the people were not ruled over by a king or dictating government, but ruled by the people and for the people. People should be able to live their own lives, how they thought it should be lived. The Articles of Confederation was the first choice to be America's founding document, which showed just how much they wanted a small federal government and bigger state governments, which is today's conservative view. As for conservatives trying to hold the country back, this may have something to do with the fact that we are trillions in debt. The government cannot afford to save everyone who does not wish to help themselves, especially with others' tax money. In my opinion, the founding fathers wished the people of America to be able to fend for themselves, without mountains and mountains of governmental aid. The bigger the government gets and tries to make us depend on them and depend on others help instead of our own, the closer we get to becoming a country of socialism. I suppose that is my biggest fear. That one day, I will be working my butt off to support everyone else in this place. Maybe that makes me selfish, but so be it. I understand that many people need help, but far too many take advantage and it scares me to death.