Congrats to all those that take advantage and receive the $3 Forum Bonus. It seems that no matter the online program there are so many that join and never reach payout because they don't know the in's and out's of the program and how to go about earning money. FC offers so many bonuses including the $1, $2, $5 referral bonuses that oldbuddy mentioned. Anyone that logs into their FC account consistantly each day can easily reach payout if they take advantage of the 2 cent daily email, the 15 cent daily clicks, the two weekly contests Tue/Wed ... Sat/Sun, view available videos, take advantage of Radio Loyalty, Crowdflower Tasks ... for the most part this is all I do and I have no problem reaching payout. With credits that expire in 180 days (6 months) a person has to be consistant to reach payout. There are some that can reach payout every month. I reach payout every 3 to 4 months. Having active referrals as oldbuddy points out makes it alot easier. Oldbuddy has some awesome FC training videos and has added much in the way of advice and support for fellow FC members. Myself, I realize I can always do more as the last several months I have only posted in the forum every other month for the FC $3 forum bonus. Keep on keeping on.