...a good father is…
...one who knows that children have only one love language – time;
…one who daughters want to marry, and sons want to emulate;
…one you know will protect you and defend you;
…one who provides everything you need (but not necessarily everything you want);
…one who is brave when you are scared;
…one who races you to the emergency room;
…one who teaches you how to treat a woman, and what you should expect from a man;
…one who cherished your mother;
…one who is stronger, and taller, than you (at least, at first);
…one who taught you how to swim, how to ride a bike, how to throw a ball, how to open a door for a woman, how to…you get it;
…one who spanked you when you deserved it, and you’re glad he did (but you never saw how much it broke his heart);
…one who taught you how to drive;
…one who set curfews;
…one who didn’t make a big deal of the things you thought he would, but did of the things that you know, now, mattered;
…one who either stayed up late, or got up early…just to see you off;
…one who answered your questions…one after another after another after another;
…one who said, “Oh, come on Mom, let ‘em do it”;
…one who finally said “okay” to the puppy;
…one who took you out “trick or treating”;
…one who drove you to your first day at school, your first day at college, and your first day at…;
…one who went with you to get your ears pierced (whether daughter...or son);
…one who let them braid his hair;
…one you could tell, “I kissed her!”;
…one who took you on trips;
…one who talked to you about that boy (or that girl)…
…one who paid the ticket;
…one who was a wreck walking you down the aisle, or bursting with pride waiting by your side at the altar for your bride;
…one who introduced you to God;
…one who, most of all, loved you so much he would have laid down his life for yours in a heartbeat.
And still would.
Happy Father’s Day.
Copied from email from Church & Culture website, written by James Emery White. I thought it was really nice for the papas.