Go to your Bank account and locate the line that shows the FC payment.
Maximize the web page and make sure that you show as much of the details of the transaction are shown.
Find the "PrntScr" button on your keyboard. It usually in the top line of keyboard on the right side. Click on it.
This will put a picture of your screen in your pc memory.
Click Start.
If you are familiar with and use your PAINT software, it may show on the left side of the start window. If you don't use it, click on "All Programs" and then on "Accessories". You should see the "Paint" software program in this list. Click on it to bring it up on your screen.
When it comes up, click on "Edit" and then "Paste".
This will bring up the screenshot you made of your FC payment.
Depending on the version of your Paint program, you should be able to "crop" the picture to show just the details of the transaction. ( I have a Windows 7 OS system and crop works but it doesn't work the same way on my XP OS system.) You can also use the "Erasure" or a blackout paint to remove the portions of the page you don't want the world to see (like your account number, your name and all the other non-relevant transactions.)
The last step is to save the screenshot. Click on "File", then "Save As". Locate/click on the "Shared Documents", and find "Shared Pictures"
In File Name, put in a Title for the picture that will make it easy for you to find. I use FCpopmmddyyy. In the "Save as type" line, click on the menu and select JPEG.
Click Save (Save it to your Shared Picture Library)
You can close the Paint software and your bank site.
Now, go to the Forum, Contests and Promotions section and find the thread about loading your POP into the FC system. Although the thread is locked, there is an URL on the opening page that you should use to submit your POP:
http://www.fusioncash.net/picturebonus.phpWhen you click on this link, you will be shown a list of your cashout(s) that you can submit a POP. Click on the one that corresponds to the picture you just create and then click on Browse to locate it in your Shared Picture library.
When you find it, click on "open". This will load it up in FC. May take a few minutes depending on your ISP connection.
Good luck!
If you have any problems, let us know. We'll help you walk through the process. Provide info about your PC and operating system, since that can affect the detail of the steps.