Well here's my opiinion: No. Marriage was intended for a man and a woman. It was so they can become one and produce a child. Gay people can obviously not produce. It makes no sense to me why they would even want to be married. Why not just stay together forever without marriage. 
Yes, and you completely ignored my response. You claimed that homosexuality is against nature, and I showed that homosexuality occurs very commonly in nature.
Okay and just because it happens in nature that makes it right? I mean it obviously happens in nature or we wouldn't even be having this discussion. what I meant was a man and a womans body were meant for each other which is why a man and a oman can produce.. If everyone were homosexual we wouldn't be able to continue the human race. That is how it isn't right. Two men or two women are just not meant to be. That is like a human marrying a dog it just isn't right.. sorry. I'm not puroposely trying to offen anyone I'm just telling it how it is.
Where do you live that marriage = breeding license?
A family friend, due to a medical issue, can never have children. She got married just fine.
Wasn't asked if she was planning to reproduce or ever adopt or anything to do with increasing the 6.8 billion people on this planet.
On another note, I once read an article about scientists who took the the eggs from two female mice, combined them, implanted them back into one of the mice, and they produced perfectly fine daughters.
Before talking about that being unnatural, consider that they commonly combine eggs and sperm in a lab before implanting them in a woman (even when the woman is *gasp* unmarried or in a lesbian relationship or even married to a man who didn't provide the sperm).
As for why someone would get married, again it could be different where you live, but around here there are
over 1,000 federal benefits, plus some state ones, if you get married.
I am not Christan. However, since you might be, here is some further reading for you (although try to keep in mind, Christians did not invent marriage):
http://www.wouldjesusdiscriminate.org/For the tl;dr
A diagram:
The Same-Sex Marriage debate, greatly simplified.