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Topic: NEWTOWN CT  (Read 1172 times)


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« Reply #15 on: December 18, 2012, 02:50:52 pm »
When will we ever learn?  How long will we keep quoting Second Amendment rights for everyone?  How long will we allow assault weapons and body armor to be bought online by anyone?  There is something we can do.  We can change the laws.  I have watched legislators all evening saying things like this is not the time to talk about changing the laws, this is the time to grieve.  Oh, I assure you the parents and relatives of the victims will be grieving.  Then some time passes and nothing more is said.  I have nothing against citizens having guns for protection and for hunting, but what private person needs assault rifles?  Our forefathers who signed the Constitution did not foresee deranged people going into schools and malls and killing as many as they can.  And it is sometimes impossible to tell if someone is acting strangely.  Some ill people can act normally until they finally snap - without warning.  How many times have you heard someone being interviewed after a shooting saying, "I never would have known.  They seemed so normal."  There have now been 40 + school shootings.  I, for one, think now is the time to do something.  As I just heard someone say on a special news report, "It will happen again.  It may be a day, a week, or a month.  But it will happen again."  This time it took 3 days.  My heart goes out to everyone in this town now touched by tragedy.  "Each child of the slaughter belongs to each of us."  (Diane Sawyer)

There is no one single outdated law or lack of laws on the books that is responsible for allowing tragedies like these to happen over and over.  It is many laws and breakdowns of preventative systems that should be in place that need to be changed or upgraded to address modern times.  Whatever it is, there should be no way that these sick people should be able to gain access so easily to that much destructive power to totally destroy the lives of groups of people in a society they obviously hate and have been identified to hate long before they carry out their acts.   In a society such as ours, the only people that should be allowed to posssess guns should be policemen and those fighting wars in the military.  Hunting is not necessary anymore.  Go to a supermarket for your meat.   Outlaw all hunting and confiscate all guns because we obviously are not sophisticated enough to own them responsibly. 


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« Reply #16 on: December 18, 2012, 03:12:52 pm »
It is many laws and breakdowns of preventative systems that should be in place that need to be changed or upgraded to address modern times.

I agree, though everything you wrote below is either naive or illogical.

Whatever it is, there should be no way that these sick people should be able to gain access so easily to that much destructive power to totally destroy the lives of groups of people in a society they obviously hate and have been identified to hate long before they carry out their acts.

Bad apples are going to continue killing people with or without guns. Look what happened back in september WITHOUT A GUN-

I guess we should ban axes too because nobody chops wood that much anymore.

  In a society such as ours, the only people that should be allowed to posssess guns should be policemen and those fighting wars in the military.

Disarm society so only the military or police --groups controlled by gov'ts which can easily become corrupt-- is naive and illogical.

Hunting is not necessary anymore.  Go to a supermarket for your meat.   Outlaw all hunting and confiscate all guns because we obviously are not sophisticated enough to own them responsibly.

That's rich. Why don;t you go to northern Wisconsin and tell the counties which have deer overpopulation problems that? You're talking about having the 99% of civilian gunowners who are (technically) responsible to give up their firearms because the 1% is corrupted. That's babying and depriving a country built upon freedoms. To state the obvious- guns don't kill people. People kill people. Gunlaws should be more strict (especially in cities), but disarming society is very naive.
"This state of affairs produces a distorted public impression of guns. If you only hear about the crimes and accidents, and never about lives saved, you might think gun ownership is folly."


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« Reply #17 on: December 18, 2012, 09:11:15 pm »
I am deeply saddened by this terrible tragedy, however, I agree with all the pro 2nd amendment posts here. Taking guns away from responsible citizens is not going to stop the lunatic who has decided to do something crazy, if they can't find access to a gun, they will just find another way to accomplish their twisted goals.  Law enforcement cannot be everywhere at once and cannot be relied upon for such. One responsible and armed citizen might be all it takes to avert the next disaster. The gun free school zone law in CT only hurt the innocent, it didn't do a thing to stop the madman.


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« Reply #18 on: December 19, 2012, 03:10:05 pm »
For some reason, I can't see someone with a regular rifle or handgun being able to get it out of a locked cabinet in time to protect a school full of children against one or two people with assault rifles.  And many times, homeowners are killed with their own handguns.  I agree that guns are not the only problem.  There are so many breakdowns in our society that need to be addressed.  But I think we must do something; we can't just go on closing our eyes to these problems.


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« Reply #19 on: December 19, 2012, 03:20:45 pm »
It is many laws and breakdowns of preventative systems that should be in place that need to be changed or upgraded to address modern times.

I agree, though everything you wrote below is either naive or illogical.

Whatever it is, there should be no way that these sick people should be able to gain access so easily to that much destructive power to totally destroy the lives of groups of people in a society they obviously hate and have been identified to hate long before they carry out their acts.

Bad apples are going to continue killing people with or without guns. Look what happened back in september WITHOUT A GUN-

I guess we should ban axes too because nobody chops wood that much anymore.

  In a society such as ours, the only people that should be allowed to posssess guns should be policemen and those fighting wars in the military.

Disarm society so only the military or police --groups controlled by gov'ts which can easily become corrupt-- is naive and illogical.

Hunting is not necessary anymore.  Go to a supermarket for your meat.   Outlaw all hunting and confiscate all guns because we obviously are not sophisticated enough to own them responsibly.

That's rich. Why don;t you go to northern Wisconsin and tell the counties which have deer overpopulation problems that? You're talking about having the 99% of civilian gunowners who are (technically) responsible to give up their firearms because the 1% is corrupted. That's babying and depriving a country built upon freedoms. To state the obvious- guns don't kill people. People kill people. Gunlaws should be more strict (especially in cities), but disarming society is very naive.
"This state of affairs produces a distorted public impression of guns. If you only hear about the crimes and accidents, and never about lives saved, you might think gun ownership is folly."
Well said...


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« Reply #20 on: December 19, 2012, 03:40:57 pm »
 :(  to hear what happen.   :peace:

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