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Topic: Obama Needs to Be Stoped  (Read 1645 times)


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Re: Obama Needs to Be Stoped
« Reply #15 on: December 02, 2012, 06:50:03 am »
You realize that this whole email is packed with lies and spins the story completely, right? The bill was itself said that business owners should give their employees the option to access ANY birth control (yes, including the abortion pill in the case of rape) as part of their healthcare coverage. They are not forcing anyone to take the pill, just saying that the option should be available. The company fought against coverage for any of this, including basic birth control. Christian or not, I personally don't believe my employer has the right to make decisions about my babymaking parts.  :dontknow:

Please don't believe everything you read on the Internet or see on FOX News. Some people's agenda is to make the President look like a monster just because he's NOT a conservative and believes in things they don't (such a woman's rights). Their specialties run from spin doctor propaganda to to personal insults to outright lies and slander. Don't fall for it.


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Re: Obama Needs to Be Stoped
« Reply #16 on: December 05, 2012, 06:20:26 pm »
I have no idea what anyone is really talking about in this post. I do know that abortion needs to remain legal, religion needs to be stopped, the government that everyone keeps supporting needs to be reformed and the idiots who who have more guns then fingers in their houses have to be the biggest bunch of goofballs that there are in america today. That goes for the idiot buying his daugher a gun too. I am just trying to hit 2 posts with one stone. Listen to what you are really saying next time.  :angry7: :angry7:


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Re: Obama Needs to Be Stoped
« Reply #17 on: December 05, 2012, 06:46:49 pm »
I am so amazed at the number of people who are still forwarding emails that have no truth in them.  People whose posts I read on Facebook and other places and who made offhand comments I happened to hear mostly spouted things they heard someone else say.  They had no idea what they were talking about.  When we begin to do the research to find out what is going on in the world, what political parties stand for, what candidates stand for, and what ideas are bogus, then we will begin to be able to made good decisions when voting (or anything else, for that matter).  To begin with, although I always get negative comments when I say this, people need to know HOW to read.  Not all the stuff I see here are typographical errors.  In the subject of this topic, for instance, the word is "stopped," not "stoped."  The other comeback I get is that other people can understand it, anyway.  How do they know?  No everyone speaks "texting" - where a lot of this inability to spell comes from.  It is so sad how so many graduate high school and college and can't read and write.

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