Are you concerned? Will it be addressed by Congress/Obama?
Everyone should be concerned. Absolutely, it's going to be addressed by Congress and Obama. Just when you THOUGHT your taxes would go down, you're gonna see them increase phenomenally. You'll be forced to buy healthcare, and if you can't afford it? You'll pay for it anyway come tax time (it's a TAX, remember that). Those of you who like to scream for "free stuff." Forget it. You'll be paying through the nose - and guess what? - you're gonna LIKE it because, after all, it's what you voted for.
Is taxing the rich going to stop this fiscal cliff? Well, let me ask you this - the plan is to raise taxes on the wealthiest Americans - these are the job creators - the movers and the shakers - the people who hire YOU. (Of course, taxing the rich is a farce because everyone's gonna be paying for it whether they realize this or not yet.) What happens when these job producers can't afford to hire you any more? What happens when they've been taxed so much, they're no longer considered "wealthy," but are on par with the rest of us who are mere peasants - the middle class, the below middle class? Who do you THINK will be paying those taxes then to save us all from the fiscal cliff? Welcome to Serfdom 101!