The following is a composite profile of a predator.
The Predator
The Predator is one who uses the mechanisms of cyber space to hunt human beings with the intent to exploit, rob, plunder and pillage their body, mind, heart and soul. Often there victims are women 10 to 20 years their junior.
Characteristics of a Predator:
1. Liar: (Self explanatory)
2. Deceiver: His self situation is presented as other than what it is.
3. Betrayer: He is likely to break trust.
4. Insecure: He is worried that others will be unfaithful.
5. Inconsistent: He will say one thing while doing another.
6. Lacking Honor: Usually while protesting that he has honor.
7. Lack of Respect: He will tend to criticize and degrade others.
8. Transient: He is unlikely to have many long term friends.
9. Manipulator: He calculates and contrives for his own benefit to the detriment of his partner.
10. Secretive: He will tend to cloak himself and his activities.
11. Charming: If he could not steal your breath away, he would not be a successful hunter.
12. Selective: He will pick victims carefully, looking for weaknesses and filling those voids completely. Ie vulnerable young very needy emotionally immature women, 8 plus years his junior.
13. Chameleon: He will appear to fit any need perfectly and adapt to fill any desire.
14. Lacking in Self Control: At times, he may have extraordinary self control and discipline, a predator probably exhibits these characteristics in all aspects of
his life. It may be that the only place the predator seems to have honor and value "Truth" is in the "Relationship" he is developing with his victim.
15. The predators are usually married or have girlfriends, at times it is there own partner that is their victim.
When developing a new relationship, make a conscious effort to observe your partner's interaction with others, not just how he interacts with you. The predator may well reveal his true self through his interactions. But, you may only see this revelation if you are committed to taking every precaution for your own safety.
Predator Warning Signals:
While any of these phrases or actions may be acceptable in a given context, pay close attention when seeing or hearing them.
1. Do not tell ____________ .
2. (_______) is crazy! (or psycho, sick, a liar, or out to get me,
you walk into a room where him and his friends are talking, and they get real quiet.)
3. It would be best if you no longer spoke to _________.
4. I do not need to defend myself against lies.
5. They are just jealous (of me, of us, of what we have, that you have me).
6. Jokingly states “you know I am stalking you”.
1. Becomes defensive or angry when questioned.
2. Questions the sincerity of his partner
3. Blatantly flirts with other women
4. Often times paranoid about the faithfulness of his own partner
The Warning Signals:
These are items that a woman should pay attention to if she is saying them to herself or hearing them from others.
1. I feel he is just too good to be true.
2. You are hearing consistent warnings from more that one person.
3. Your instincts are whispering “something is not right about this person ".
4. His own friends warn you about him.