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Topic: Social Security and there administration Judges  (Read 1754 times)


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Social Security and there administration Judges
« on: August 06, 2012, 02:52:56 pm »
To my Fusion Cash Family, I recieved a letter from the Social Security Administraton today and my appeal was denied. (which make me  >:( angery.  I have been fighting for my disability for ten years, they have all my medical records and they say I am disabiled but it would affect my work. Yet the judge told me to get a job where they would let me sit, stand, and laydown during my shift.  Does anyone know of such a job, I don't.  I have depresion with anxiety disorder, cronic pain, fibermyalgia, asthma, cronic broncits, and copd.  My right side of my body is full of artheritis.  I went in for injections to put stuff in be tween my L4, L5, and S4, S5 disks in my spine and on top of that I am loosing the curviture of my spine.  I guess I need to be dieing before I get it.  I helped my brother in law to get it and he has no medical records of his problems and guess what he got his disability.  I am so upset I can't change lawyers so what do I do?  Now my depresion is really kicking in.  It has only be a little over a month since I tried to go to sleep permently. Thank God the parties involved in my medicad case they found me disabeled and I get to keep my medicaid for another year.  Thank you all for letting me vent some times its nice to have someone else to talk to.
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Re: Social Security and there administration Judges
« Reply #1 on: August 08, 2012, 11:15:46 am »
I called my lawyer's office and chewed them out and even told them to just forget it.  I was really up set everyone told me to get him because he never lost a case, but to me he lost my case for the last 10 years but  I guess if he wins eleven years latter he won right.
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Re: Social Security and there administration Judges
« Reply #2 on: August 08, 2012, 01:52:11 pm »
To my Fusion Cash Family, I recieved a letter from the Social Security Administraton today and my appeal was denied. (which make me  >:( angery.  I have been fighting for my disability for ten years, they have all my medical records and they say I am disabiled but it would affect my work. Yet the judge told me to get a job where they would let me sit, stand, and laydown during my shift.  Does anyone know of such a job, I don't.  I have depresion with anxiety disorder, cronic pain, fibermyalgia, asthma, cronic broncits, and copd.  My right side of my body is full of artheritis.  I went in for injections to put stuff in be tween my L4, L5, and S4, S5 disks in my spine and on top of that I am loosing the curviture of my spine.  I guess I need to be dieing before I get it.  I helped my brother in law to get it and he has no medical records of his problems and guess what he got his disability.  I am so upset I can't change lawyers so what do I do?  Now my depresion is really kicking in.  It has only be a little over a month since I tried to go to sleep permently. Thank God the parties involved in my medicad case they found me disabeled and I get to keep my medicaid for another year.  Thank you all for letting me vent some times its nice to have someone else to talk to.
i hear you need to do it more than once apply 3 times is a charm if you get denied reapply honey and reapply its not easy to get and its a long process takes  years sometimes i was trying to get ssi for mental health issues and gov dosent like double dippers if you get both or if your a veteran


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Re: Social Security and there administration Judges
« Reply #3 on: August 08, 2012, 02:40:21 pm »
To my Fusion Cash Family, I recieved a letter from the Social Security Administraton today and my appeal was denied. (which make me  >:( angery.  I have been fighting for my disability for ten years, they have all my medical records and they say I am disabiled but it would affect my work. Yet the judge told me to get a job where they would let me sit, stand, and laydown during my shift.  Does anyone know of such a job, I don't.  I have depresion with anxiety disorder, cronic pain, fibermyalgia, asthma, cronic broncits, and copd.  My right side of my body is full of artheritis.  I went in for injections to put stuff in be tween my L4, L5, and S4, S5 disks in my spine and on top of that I am loosing the curviture of my spine.  I guess I need to be dieing before I get it.  I helped my brother in law to get it and he has no medical records of his problems and guess what he got his disability.  I am so upset I can't change lawyers so what do I do?  Now my depresion is really kicking in.  It has only be a little over a month since I tried to go to sleep permently. Thank God the parties involved in my medicad case they found me disabeled and I get to keep my medicaid for another year.  Thank you all for letting me vent some times its nice to have someone else to talk to.
i hear you need to do it more than once apply 3 times is a charm if you get denied reapply honey and reapply its not easy to get and its a long process takes  years sometimes i was trying to get ssi for mental health issues and gov dosent like double dippers if you get both or if your a veteran
I have reapplied like every year.  I get up set because I know people arround here who get disability and work full time under the table.  I recently helped my brother in law to start his disability and guess what after five months the gave it to him and they didn't even make him see there doctors like they do me every year.  His needs it but I know my disability is worse than his but if something like this happenes it always me who suffers, I try to be hosest and go by the book and it doesn't pay to be honest but I couldn't live with myself if I wasn't honest.  I think they are putting off because I have associates degree and graduated high school everyone that I know who gets social security are young and no high school deploma.  Crap you know how many different prescripions I take? Its close to 20 my brother in law has 1.  Any thank you for your advice and understanding sometimes it feels good to tell and talk to someone you don't know to feel good about your self and I thank you for that!
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Re: Social Security and there administration Judges
« Reply #4 on: August 08, 2012, 02:57:28 pm »
I get up set because I know people arround here who get disability and work full time under the table.    

Report those who defraud the social security administration to that department.  They are taking money away from those who actually need it.
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Re: Social Security and there administration Judges
« Reply #5 on: August 08, 2012, 03:06:04 pm »
I don't know much about getting SS disability but evidently it's not too hard to get as tens of thousands of people that ran out of federal unemployment insurance are now going on SS disability with a great deal of success.  These are people that don't even have disabilities, just don't want to work and they're bankrupting the system.


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Re: Social Security and there administration Judges
« Reply #6 on: August 08, 2012, 03:09:14 pm »
I don't know much about getting SS disability but evidently it's not too hard to get as tens of thousands of people that ran out of federal unemployment insurance are now going on SS disability with a great deal of success.  These are people that don't even have disabilities, just don't want to work and they're bankrupting the system.

Due to demographic ratios alone, I'd be willing to bet that a significant number of those defrauding the government to obtain SSI & SSDI are nominally self-declared xtian leaches.
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Re: Social Security and there administration Judges
« Reply #7 on: August 08, 2012, 03:22:18 pm »
Depending on what sort of doctor you have depends on what your results are. I have problems being around crowds of people and i am in constant pain my dr said i was disabled and yet he told disability something different. I am now spending my time trying to find a new doctor and a way to support my daughter.


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Re: Social Security and there administration Judges
« Reply #8 on: August 08, 2012, 04:37:28 pm »
Depending on what sort of doctor you have depends on what your results are. I have problems being around crowds of people and i am in constant pain my dr said i was disabled and yet he told disability something different. I am now spending my time trying to find a new doctor and a way to support my daughter.
I had a simular situation.  I was see a specialist for my fibermyalgia and she prescibed medication that you can't opperate a car or machinery she also told me I was loosing my natural curve of my spine.  So I tell my lawyer and he gets my records and she basicly said that this was all in my head, so I confronted her and she says we know you are because of the mri I took showed it so why did she lie on the paper work to the judge she also restricted that I lift no more than 10 pounds on a regular basis.  At that time I was working in In Home Care and there I was required to lift at least 100 pounds, this started in 1998 and I stayed working until January 2008 not full time crap the last three years I worked I only work 4 hours a week which was one client so it was two hours twice a week. 
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Re: Social Security and there administration Judges
« Reply #9 on: August 08, 2012, 05:20:26 pm »
I dont understand why you cant fire your attorney?  ???  I would look into that and find a new one. Good luck.


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Re: Social Security and there administration Judges
« Reply #10 on: August 10, 2012, 09:28:44 am »
I know exactly how that feels i just recently got denied again for my disability in the letter they also told me that i was disabled enough that i can't do any of the jobs i did before i got sick and that i can't work in team settings but i can work with some co workers. i have been searching for a job with their guidelines and I just can't seem to find anything. I am working on getting a new doctor and a new lawyer so i can appeal again.

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