Sammy you can iggy Falcon and go in peace... Just because someone says something about you doesn't make it true, and you don't need the validation.
While that particular member, (as well several others), have been previously advised by FC, (and even myself), to use the thoughtfully-provided "ignore button", she, (and some others), have either chosen not to or, have decided that 'not-ignoring' and continuing to post in a roundabout way concerning what they're 'not-ignoring' somehow still consists of "ignoring", (apparently that way, they can try to skirt responsibility for 'indirect-trolling').
Wasn't meant in any disrespect to you Falcon. I was simply stating my opinion. I've been in chat rooms where people also have been advised to use the ignore button but it seems many don't when they should. Maybe they just feel too insecure?
While insecurity may or may not play a part in it, (there's usually insufficient information available just from online text posts), there are a few other factors which can be determined from a pattern of posts. In the vast majority of instances where someone
won't use the 'ignore button', they have
not correctly deduced conclusions from posting patterns and may want to 'get in the last word'. Regardless, some of those have decided to both use the ignore button and yet,
'not-ignore' by continuing a roundabout posting in a de facto attempt to "get in the last word". Since I've never claimed to have put another on "ignore", this roundabout last word notion applies to others who have.
"The foundation of morality should not be made dependent on myth nor tied to any authority lest doubt about the myth or about the legitimacy of the authority imperil the foundation of sound judgment and action."
-- Albert Einstein