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Topic: how do u find out if your post are good enough  (Read 1698 times)


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how do u find out if your post are good enough
« on: May 01, 2012, 09:13:10 am »
Ok new still and seen in forum someone saying a red x by a post means it is not good how do you find that out?? ty hope I started this in the right room geeze lol


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Re: how do u find out if your post are good enough
« Reply #1 on: May 01, 2012, 09:52:04 am »
The best strategy is just be yourself and contribute, don't even think about how much your post is earning. Then when you think you might have enough check the link Are You Getting Paid To Post Yet and it will tell you how many you have. I usually have way more than enough, but I suggest you go over the 30 to make sure. I haven't missed getting the $3 bonus for YEARS, it's easy money and fun too.


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Re: how do u find out if your post are good enough
« Reply #2 on: May 02, 2012, 08:04:37 am »
Ok new still and seen in forum someone saying a red x by a post means it is not good how do you find that out?? ty hope I started this in the right room geeze lol

I have absolutely no idea what you are talking about as far as this: "a red x by a post means it is not good". Do you remember where you saw this stated? I did several searches, using different wording, and came up with nada other than you saying it. oldbuddy's advice is good and all you really need to keep in mind when posting is threads that require a one or two word reply such as "favorite ice cream flavor", or the ones that are "counting to ....." where a reply is just a number will NOT count as contributory. Also, copying/pasting info from another site without adding any thoughts of your own and/or just quoting another member's words will NOT count either. Simply starting a slew of new topics and only putting a title on them, without adding why you're asking the question or making the statement, will do you no good.

Find the topics you know something about, start one about something YOU are interested in, and you'll have nothing to worry about because you WILL have much more to say about them. That's my take on it anyway and I have never had a posting bonus denied in all my time here. The few months I did NOT get it were only because I didn't have enough posts - I had too much 'real life' happening and no time for chatting on FC. :)
You are entitled to your own opinion, but you are not entitled to your own facts.


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Re: how do u find out if your post are good enough
« Reply #3 on: May 02, 2012, 08:26:28 am »
Ok new still and seen in forum someone saying a red x by a post means it is not good how do you find that out?? ty hope I started this in the right room geeze lol

I have absolutely no idea what you are talking about as far as this: "a red x by a post means it is not good". Do you remember where you saw this stated? I did several searches, using different wording, and came up with nada other than you saying it. oldbuddy's advice is good and all you really need to keep in mind when posting is threads that require a one or two word reply such as "favorite ice cream flavor", or the ones that are "counting to ....." where a reply is just a number will NOT count as contributory. Also, copying/pasting info from another site without adding any thoughts of your own and/or just quoting another member's words will NOT count either. Simply starting a slew of new topics and only putting a title on them, without adding why you're asking the question or making the statement, will do you no good.

Find the topics you know something about, start one about something YOU are interested in, and you'll have nothing to worry about because you WILL have much more to say about them. That's my take on it anyway and I have never had a posting bonus denied in all my time here. The few months I did NOT get it were only because I didn't have enough posts - I had too much 'real life' happening and no time for chatting on FC. :)

Agree with all said by jordandog here......
the only thing I have to add is I DO remember someone asking/talking about "RED X's" on SOMETHING here on the FC forum, but I don't know that it was concerning could have been just about anything. But I remember someone mentioning that they were concerned about having red x's on something...somewhere.   

OK having said that......YEAH that (non) info was of absolutely NO HELP at all to anyone....(lol?? :-[
How come it won't play?


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Re: how do u find out if your post are good enough
« Reply #4 on: May 02, 2012, 04:13:00 pm »
Ok new still and seen in forum someone saying a red x by a post means it is not good how do you find that out?? ty hope I started this in the right room geeze lol

I have absolutely no idea what you are talking about as far as this: "a red x by a post means it is not good". Do you remember where you saw this stated? I did several searches, using different wording, and came up with nada other than you saying it. oldbuddy's advice is good and all you really need to keep in mind when posting is threads that require a one or two word reply such as "favorite ice cream flavor", or the ones that are "counting to ....." where a reply is just a number will NOT count as contributory. Also, copying/pasting info from another site without adding any thoughts of your own and/or just quoting another member's words will NOT count either. Simply starting a slew of new topics and only putting a title on them, without adding why you're asking the question or making the statement, will do you no good.

Find the topics you know something about, start one about something YOU are interested in, and you'll have nothing to worry about because you WILL have much more to say about them. That's my take on it anyway and I have never had a posting bonus denied in all my time here. The few months I did NOT get it were only because I didn't have enough posts - I had too much 'real life' happening and no time for chatting on FC. :)

Agree with all said by jordandog here......
the only thing I have to add is I DO remember someone asking/talking about "RED X's" on SOMETHING here on the FC forum, but I don't know that it was concerning could have been just about anything. But I remember someone mentioning that they were concerned about having red x's on something...somewhere.  

OK having said that......YEAH that (non) info was of absolutely NO HELP at all to anyone....(lol?? :-[)  

Jordandog does provide excellent advice above, which is why you may notice most of the posts I respond to have something to do with making money or getting referrals (what I know the most about).

The Red X is probably in reference to a broken image error. If you provide a link to an image that is no longer there, you would get a rectangle with a Red X in it.

« Last Edit: May 02, 2012, 04:15:57 pm by oldbuddy »


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Re: how do u find out if your post are good enough
« Reply #5 on: May 03, 2012, 04:28:08 am »
Hey Old Buddy - you definitely know more than just referrals and making money!  You have a bit of the techie in you, too!  I have only missed one three dollar one - last month - which was my own doing because I was so overworked and there was so much going on at home I just didn't get around to the thirty posts.  My bad, my doing.  It will never happen again.  I just love the monetary boost provided by those three bucks each month.
End the suffering!  Get your cats - and all strays and ferals - spayed and neutered!


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Re: how do u find out if your post are good enough
« Reply #6 on: May 03, 2012, 05:28:50 am »
Just make sure you are contributing.  Don't reply with short answers.  While I have probably 50-60 posts per month, not all would I consider one that contributes.  We're all here to help each other out.  If you keep that motivation, you will be fine. 


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Re: how do u find out if your post are good enough
« Reply #7 on: May 03, 2012, 05:49:33 am »
Ok new still and seen in forum someone saying a red x by a post means it is not good how do you find that out?? ty hope I started this in the right room geeze lol

The only red 'X' is in the upper right-hand corner of offers and allows you to hide offers you have already signed up for or no longer wish to see so you can spot new offers more easily. Just follow the general rule of making your posts helpful or contributory and you'll be fine. 


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Re: how do u find out if your post are good enough
« Reply #8 on: May 03, 2012, 05:52:15 am »
i do not know where it was in the post and dont know how to copy but in one of the conversations someone said that if you reviewed your post and there was a red x it meant that it was not a good post to pick others i just read and respond to what I see and what i find a conversation worth getting into lol ty for all the advise


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Re: how do u find out if your post are good enough
« Reply #9 on: May 03, 2012, 06:52:49 am »
Ok new still and seen in forum someone saying a red x by a post means it is not good how do you find that out?? ty hope I started this in the right room geeze lol
I've never heard or seen a 'red x' by my posts. A good post is enlighting, informative, and interesting. Just be yourself. It can be any topic (rated G, of course) and lead into any direction. You can reply to a topic or start your own. You need 3 a month to qualify so it's pretty easy to earn your rewards. Welcome aboard and good luck.


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Re: how do u find out if your post are good enough
« Reply #10 on: May 03, 2012, 12:47:06 pm »
Ok new still and seen in forum someone saying a red x by a post means it is not good how do you find that out?? ty hope I started this in the right room geeze lol
I've never heard or seen a 'red x' by my posts. A good post is enlighting, informative, and interesting. Just be yourself. It can be any topic (rated G, of course) and lead into any direction. You can reply to a topic or start your own. You need 3 a month to qualify so it's pretty easy to earn your rewards. Welcome aboard and good luck.

I assume that's a typo, you need 30 a month to qualify and you report the 3 best ones. It wouldn't hurt to have a few extra in case some don't make the grade.

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