This story makes me incredibly sad. To think that this person was allowed in the military after being suspected of fraud and other things is very disturbing. It makes me wonder about the screening process they have for our armed forces, considering we are going to be trusting him with weapons. I am pretty sure he did it considering his history and the fact that he has shown some racist views. The evidence seems to be piling up, and if its all proven to be true I believe he should be sent back to Afghanistan for justice. It may seem cruel, but if he is guilty then he deserves whatever he gets. I think the only reasons for him to remain in the US is if he is proven so crazy that he cannot stand trial. Then the best thing to do is to lock him up for the rest of his life in a mental hospital so he doesn't hurt himself or anyone else. Somehow, I doubt this is the case, and think that he should be sent back just like the Afghanistan people have asked. Prolonging these series of trials is making the US seem like we care more about the system than actual justice. I'm not saying that the guy shouldn't receive a fair trial, he should, but it should be done now without all this red tape to go through. The system was made to make sure justice prevails, not to slow it down, which is often the case in high profile cases like this one.