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Topic: 2005 Jeb Bush signs in2 law,a license 2kill 4any tom,*bleep*,& harry owning a gun!  (Read 839 times)


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It's been in the FLA. news everyday! The shooting of 17yr old T. Martin by a neighborhood watch member
G. Zimmerman. He used the Stand your ground bill, in which anybody owning a gun, could kill anybody who makes the gun owner feel threaten. The person defending themselves will not be punish even if he/she kills another human being. Zimmerman, kills the defenseless kid & get's away with it. The police close their eyes to any evidence that my prove Zimmerman a murder. He, calls 911 talks to the cops & doesn't follow their instructions not to follow the suspect. Goes into rambo mode & starts going after Martin. You can hear on the 911 recordings, Zimmerman not saying a word, sounds of a struggle,screams for help from the kid, & finally a gun shot. He shot the kid carrying no weapons only bag of candy, sweet tea. I really don't think Zimmerman was in any danger. The man was 3xs bigger than the skinny kid. He didn't have to kill the him point blank, he could've  just shoot the kid on the leg, he didn't have to kill him.I think, he hunted down that kid like he was hunting a wild animal. I think it was Murder not self defense.
FC Family what do you think?
What about the actions of the police:
According to the Stand your ground bill: should zimmerman get off for killing an unarmed man?
Should the police chief for not bringing in Zimmerman be fired for not doing his job.
Should this Stand your ground bill be terminated? Three weeks later, the gun man is still on the street carrying his gun, claiming to be a crime watch volunteer. :BangHead: >:(


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It is a sad thing indeed, but I don't know enough to form an opinion yet and think a thorough investigation is warranted (and was from day one).  I don't know if they can do voice analysis off the tape to determine who called out for help, but even if it was found to be Zimmerman, I am well aware that a person could call out for help even if not in jeopardy to tray to leave a trail of corroboration.  If it was indeed Martin, though, I think that could be more telling.  I do have a serious problem with the description of the location of the wounds on Zimmerman, but for now it is just dubious suspicion on my part.

Still, though, I am in support of "stand your ground" and "make my day" laws.  I think the people that would use these laws to murder are criminals that would have done it regardless.
There are only 10 types of people in the world:  those who understand binary, and those who don't.


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i saw this on the news too, its got to the point the news and nancy grace are so depressing i really try not to watch them,


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Jumping to conclusions before the evidence is in isn't any way to act.

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