how about if I didn't reach the min. amount, like maybe somebody is busy with other things and he does't have internet for a period.
If you do the "daily" activities (daily click; daily pd email and an occasional survey) you can reach cash out within 180 days. If you post 30 meaningful posts in the Forum each months, you reach it even sooner. I only do the daily stuff, post in the Forum and fill out the contests and promotions. I cash out every 3-4 months -- but I do access the site every day -- if only for 20 minutes each time.
.. you can always go to the library and use the internet for a certain amount of time every day...
One of the terms of service for most sites (FC included) is that you may only have one account per ISP/email address. If you use a community pc to access the site, there is no way to know whether anyone else has used the site to access FC -- and if they have, both of you will lose your accounts.
i dont know about that, i mean computers are complicated, they can cross reference all your info perfectly before you can say fusioncash (or even fu for that matter), so im sure they can anticipate things like that, now if you signed up for fusioncash on that pc and never logged on at home ever that would possibly be different.
As for the 180 day thing, that should be inconsequential... one should *always* cash out on the 28th, 30th, or 31st of the month (depending on month) as long as youre able to and if not then you should do it at the end of the next month... follow that plan and you will never lose a single cent....
plus i know some people would think that its cool to get a bigger check, but i assure out that 4 $25 checks are just as impressive as 1 $100 check... especially when it was free money like this.. well not actually free, it costs your time, but this is an interesting way to make money, i figure even a 25$ check would get a wow out of someone if they knew how you did it. :-)