there have been more killed in the name of god than there have in the name of anything else.
correct hitleer killed many in his quest to create the perfect human race. but guess we can just rewrite the history b ooks like the bible so we can readjust what was originally written. because hitlers words were probably just mis interpreted. I mean thats why the bible that was that was "written word by god" is able to be rewritten (new testament, king james)
Although nominally catholic throughout his youth, Schickelgruber, (Hitler), later embraced a mixture of Germanic folklore and some pagan esoterics.
man has commited atrocities. but we can also say man has done good. but that brings me to my point. if god is taking credit for the good that is done by man. then he also needs to take credit for the atrocities commited by man - that includes the holocaust. (free will or gods will you dont get both.
That's the hypocrisy of such a position; attributing "good" to a fictional deity and "bad" to a fictional daemon. In either instance, it constitutes a failure to take responsibility, (a trait in which moral turpitude hides behind religious beliefs).