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Topic: Second Life  (Read 244 times)


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Second Life
« on: September 16, 2011, 04:12:35 am »
I've heard Second Life mentioned recently and while I know it's been around for quite a few years I just checked it out.  For those who don't know it's a Virtual Reality type sim where you choose your avatar and can then converse with other people around the world through their avatars.  You can create your own dwelling and surrounding if you don't mind paying real money for imaginary items.  Apparently there are some people who sell virtual "real estate" in Second Life and have become wealthy in doing so.  Nonetheless, I would rather talk to people in person than by using the phone or Facebook so Second Life is out of the question for me, novel as it may be.  I'd be interested to hear if anyone from FC has ever played Second Life. 


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Re: Second Life
« Reply #1 on: September 16, 2011, 05:01:19 am »
There was a paid offer once, either here or at some other earning site, that paid to register and install Second Life, so I gave it a try about a year ago. I had always been curious so I checked it out.

There were some places that were very pretty and well designed and I liked just walking about and looking at things, but the majority of the users I bumped into were.........................



I guess the politest word would be "odd". We'll leave it at that LOL!

Eventually I uninstalled it. It would load up OK but after 15 minutes or so would start to run really, really slow. I'm on an older laptop that doesn't really have the system resources to run it.

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