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Topic: Is It Hard To Live A Save Life?  (Read 1056 times)


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Is It Hard To Live A Save Life?
« on: September 09, 2011, 10:48:49 pm »
:dontknow: Some people say it's a struggle to live a save life. It is probably because after they have given their life to Jesus Christ they are not told how to live for Him. Most of the times when people are called to the altar a church the Pastor their will ask them do you know the Lord Jesus Christ loves you? Do you want Him to come into your life? Do you know that He died for you on the cross for your sins? Do you know that He was buried and that He rose again on the third day? Then the person says yes, then the  Pastor says, "then you are saved. Because the Lord said who shall cally upon my name is saved. But if a person goes away not knowing  what it means to live for the Lord he or she feels all alone. Because some Pastors do not take the time to explain to the person who to live for God and that it is not hard to live for God. The first thing that a person who has given their life to God is do is turn away from all their wrong doings and learn to love and forgive all their brothers and sisters in the Lord. And everything that they chose to do they always remember to put God first.  Because whatever they may be going through Jesus wil fix it.
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Re: Is It Hard To Live A Save Life?
« Reply #1 on: September 10, 2011, 12:21:09 am »
To me that is the easy way out. Just to believe in God is not enough.  He tells you he that practices faith will be saved, so it more than just believeing or a pastor explaining that to you.  Doest it say to tell others of him.  If a person really wants to do Gods will they will invistage what that is themselves.  Really can we believe something just becasue someone says so.  There is more to just believing in him.  It (the bible) faith without works is dead so tell me what does that really mean to you.  To me more is required.


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Re: Is It Hard To Live A Save Life?
« Reply #2 on: September 10, 2011, 06:12:00 am »
The devil thrives in making things complicated and hard to understand, but my friends if you will only believe and have faith in your Lord, that God never breaks His promises, that we are saved through Jesus then the devil don't stand a chance in creating doubt in you, which is what he would like to do.
Jesus paid the price for us, there is nothing we can do, there is no way we can earn it, we are covered in His blood, past, present and future, when God looks at us, He is not looking upon our sin no longer, all He sees is His Son, because His Sons blood has covered all the sin. There is no way we could ever be as Holy as God, we are as dirty and filthy cockroaches, so you see we have to be covered in Jesus blood, He is the only One who can do this, we can try and try to our hearts content to do the right thing, but thinken we can do this, is actually doing the completely opposite, it is taking our faith off of Jesus and putting it upon ourself, we got to quit looking to ourself, we got to put our eyes on Christ. Dont' pat yourself on the back because you didn't break a commandment, don't give yourself credit because you think you are living right, because there is still sin in you. no matter what, no matter what we do, we need Jesus, and if we think we can do it without him, we are DEAD(in sin) wrong!!! For soever who believes in the Son shall have eternal life. This is God's covenant with us. Do not think it any other way, it cannot be earned, Jesus is the only way.


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Re: Is It Hard To Live A Save Life?
« Reply #3 on: September 10, 2011, 08:14:10 am »
I believe that faith without works is dead. If we work hard to do what is right, remember to repent and to forgive, fix what mistakes can be fixed, then He won't have to do as much to help us get to heaven. We need to do the best we can and he'll do the rest. I plan to show my appreciation by doing my best with the talents and experiences I am given for good. I will never be perfect and will need to repent throughout the day.

I'm not one of those who believes that all I have to do is go to church once a week then go about my life in whatever way I want. I choose to act on what I learn from reading His word and do good where ever I go to the best of my ability.

I also thank him often for what I have been given, which is a lot when I look at everything small and big. I am blessed!

You can find me on Youtube!

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