You have your opinions, I have mine. Everyone is entitled to their "own" opinions.
There's a slight difference between having an opinion and deceptively disregarding facts to align ones thoughts with a preconcieved notion. Example of what's going on here- We're standing infront of a tennis ball. I tell you that ball is sitting on the ground not moving and was probably used by a tennis player since there's a court near by. I also say that maybe a man/woman with a dog used it since the park we're in occasionally has dogs running around it.
You disagree and tell me that the ball is universally special, was used by a dozen clowns who could magically fly, ate AAA batteries for food, and had keys to all of the secret whitehouse chambers. Not only do you tell me this, but you say soon that the ball will be floating in the air, making a high-pitched scream, will morph into a duck which will fly north instead of south during the winter and if I don't agree with this, it will haunt me every night for the rest of my life. You attempt to back this belief up with facts, but they also make no sense, and contradict reality even more so. I scratch my head and disagree with you, but you're telling me that's
only my opinion on the ball. I'd really have to throw reality out the window to believe that and just immerse myself in self-deception to go that far, wouldn't I?
The Bible and the Great Flood (watch this video falconer and note the part about what the Bible says in 2 Peter 3:3--- see what was predicted)...then keep going, it explains why we both could have the same exact data but come to different conclusions
I skimmed the video-- kind of a long watch and im really tired right now. Considering what it shows at 1:37, I doubt I really have to watch it since it's preaching pseudoscience and obvious false history. Certainly if you believe this should be taught in classrooms alongside actual science, then you'd have no problem teaching all of these with your view, right?
"Modern geology cannot explain fossil graveyards and many geologists admit to this. These graveyards are dramatic evidence that an era of the world ended with enormous violence.
This is a big lie plain and simple. Geologists
can explain fossil graveyards. Hell, ANYONE can explain fossil graveyards. It does not take a person with their Masters in Geology to know that massive amounts of animals and plants can die in one place from severe drought, large quantities of carnivores in one area, drowning in a flooded river/lake from undertow, tar pits, etc. This is just an old outdated and uneducated argument that creationists still throw around-"Flood geology contradicts the scientific consensus in geology, physics, chemistry, molecular genetics, evolutionary biology, archaeology, and paleontology, and the scientific community considers the subject to be pseudoscience."