Hi everyone, I am new to fusioncash & would like to know what to do to earn money. Any info would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance
Hey jenisbrodysmom,
Glad to help.
(1) Do your Daily Cash E-Mail and Paid-To-click every day for an easy $.17.
(2) Watch the Tutorials by 'Oldbuddy" in their entirety and surf the forum to see what other members are discussing. Many of the answers you seek can be found in the forum
(3) Attempt the Daily Surveys to see if you qualify. Find these under Offers/ Daily.
(4) Get as many referrals as you can for those referral bonuses. I'm still struggling with that one myself. Active referrals are best because you get a $5 bonus every time they cash out, for life.
(5) Be sure to post at least twice a day so that you qualify for the $3/mo forum posting bonus. Find the rules by clicking on $3/ mo Forum Posting Bonus on your Account page. Read those rules carefully. Posts must be helpful or contributory to count toward your 30.
(6) Watch for Videos under More Money/Special Offers. They will appear after Daily Tasks. They're like fireflies. Not always there. Check back at different times of the day.
(7) Two great offers to sign up for are the Groupon offer and the Netflix 30-day Free Trial. Highly recommended.
Get the Twitter Follow Bonus. Find this one under More Money. Read the rules carefully so you know what you must do to qualify. You must be on Twitter for a minimum of 30 days for one thing.
(9) Try the Daily Tasks under More Money/ Special Offers. These do have a learning curve and are time-consuming, but they credit almost immediately and you'll get better and faster the more you do them.
(10) Enter the contests on Tues/Wed and Sat/Sun produced by Kohler. Find these on the Home page/ Discussion Board/ Contests & Promotions. The active contests are on page 1 of these topics.
Whew! That should get you going and welcome to FusionCash!