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Topic: Woman tries to kill her daughters and herself due to Rapture  (Read 4947 times)


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Re: Woman tries to kill her daughters and herself due to Rapture
« Reply #15 on: May 23, 2011, 07:20:22 pm »
This person didn't/doesn't know the Lord Jesus Christ as a personal Saviour.  Otherwise, she would have no fear of the Great Tribulation.  True Christians won't go through that seven years of misery and woe.  We will be with the Lord Jesus Christ awaiting His return to conquer satan forever. 

Too bad she hadn't been educated enough to know before doing that horrible act.  That's way I'm a big supporter of missionaries ~ to get God's Word out to people living in ignorance.  The more I study The Word, the more understanding I get from the passages.  It's absolutely amazing at powerful knowledge in one book!

It is alive - and those who have been touched by the WORD - know HIS WORD and will not believe any such hype. Those who do not know HIM
spend their time making fun of those who do know HIM... Sad but true, we can only pity them for most refuse to listen. Kind of like the days of Noah when the world laughed at him for over 100 years for building the Ark and it had never rained before. But when GOD closed the door on the Ark and it began to rain, they all changed their mind. so will it be


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Re: Woman tries to kill her daughters and herself due to Rapture
« Reply #16 on: May 24, 2011, 08:31:44 am »
Correct, it is THE ONLY SOURCE.

4+ billion people say otherwise, n00b.

Looks like hell's population will be expanding 4+ billion people.

He will be if the actor portraying hasn't accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as his personal Saviour.

You know, for a christian, I sense a lot of ignorance and self-centeredness about genuine reality. Take you head out of the sand once in a while and realize your beliefs aren't the only one that is "right". It's just as screwy as the next religion on the list. The idea of the rapture is nothing short of a fantasy story comparable to something in LotR. That's the point I was trying to make.

Religion is man-made.  You can call yourself anything you want but all that really counts is if you believe in the Gospel and that Jesus was born of a virgin birth, lived a sinless life, died willingly on the Cross of Calvary and arose three days later with the promise that He will be back for all believers before He allows the anti-christ to rule the world for seven miserable years.  I am so glad I won't have to go through those troubling times.  I'll be safe and secure in the presence of the Lord. 
Have a wonderful day!


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Re: Woman tries to kill her daughters and herself due to Rapture
« Reply #17 on: May 24, 2011, 10:23:47 am »
It is alive - and those who have been touched by the WORD - know HIS WORD and will not believe any such hype. Those who do not know HIM
spend their time making fun of those who do know HIM... Sad but true, we can only pity them for most refuse to listen. Kind of like the days of Noah when the world laughed at him for over 100 years for building the Ark and it had never rained before. But when GOD closed the door on the Ark and it began to rain, they all changed their mind. so will it be

Do yourself a favor and read the first post of the "END OF THE WORLD THREAD #3,597" because you're demonstrating the immaturity that's brought up.

Religion is man-made.  You can call yourself anything you want but all that really counts is if you believe in the Gospel and that Jesus was born of a virgin birth, lived a sinless life, died willingly on the Cross of Calvary and arose three days later with the promise that He will be back for all believers before He allows the anti-christ to rule the world for seven miserable years.  I am so glad I won't have to go through those troubling times.  I'll be safe and secure in the presence of the Lord.  

If you want to remain naive and comfortable in your beliefs, I'd suggest not clicking this link-
« Last Edit: May 24, 2011, 10:55:33 am by Falconer02 »


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Re: Woman tries to kill her daughters and herself due to Rapture
« Reply #18 on: May 24, 2011, 11:25:53 am »
That's crazy. People actually believe that the tribulation/rapture/whatever will happen today?

Nobody knows, not even Jesus.

You mean Jesus is doesn't know everything and the father does  ;D

Young's Literal Translation
'And concerning that day and the hour no one hath known -- not even the messengers of the heavens -- except my Father only;(Matthew 24:36)

Interestingly enough young's literal is one of the few versions that translates angels here as messengers and we know Jesus is not exempted from this verse because he is a MESSENGER in heaven.


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Re: Woman tries to kill her daughters and herself due to Rapture
« Reply #19 on: May 24, 2011, 11:52:32 am »
Therefore she is crazy. Dont blame the bible when the person is to blame. A bad person that reads the bible is "still" a bad person.

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