If you could create a country, what kind of government would run it? In this thread, I would like people to give a description of what kind of governance they would choose if they had the complete power to do so. I would request that anyone posting their imaginary country do so in a format similar to the one I created in bold. Names of your country and currency, flags, and facts (like national bird) may be added at your discretion. Other than posting one's country, posters are allowed to debate and discuss their ideas of governance amongst one another as they wish. You don't HAVE to make up your own country if you wish to debate amongst those who do. Otherwise this can be seen as a general political philosophy type thread. I would ask the posters to not mention specific real-life countries, and their laws. I wish to keep this thread as abstract as possible (For example, do not mention the PATRIOT act but instead discuss the general ideas of privacy, terrorism, and how the government should handle its domestic security.) I would also request that religion shouldn't be discussed as this may also distract the thread of its main goals. You may mention that your country allows none, one, many, or all religions and mention religion as long as you do not talk about any one in particular (For example, one may discuss that your country only allows one religion but do not mention that religion is Zoroastrianism. There are PLENTY of other threads to talk about whose religion is the right one, this thread isn't one of those.)
General form of Government: Republic (This may include any general names of government typesFor example: Monarchy, democracy, theology)
Government organization: A multi-branch form of governance where the branches rule power over one another, but no single branch has power over all other branches. The government is further organized to be Federalist. The main government embodiment is pitted against states organized by the Federal government and is recognized as having similar powers. The state is further divided by individual groups completely organized by free citizens. Their size and scope vary as they naturally occur overtime. These groups insure that individual rights are harder to take away by either the state or federal government. At the same time the federal government may protect each group from being taken over by another group through force. Citizens within groups are guaranteed to not to have their rights taken away by these groups and that they may move freely amongst them by the federal and state governments. This effectively pits many groups of governments against one another and divides power thorough a large number of complex levels that are, more or less, controlled completely by that people who live within these boundaries. Groups may divulge in their own laws, as the federal government only guarantees the most basic of human rights. But these groups may not take these rights away without the federal government. State governments act more like a medium between the federal government and the people. The state's duty is to keep any eye on groups and report to the federal government if trouble may occur. They also organize the records that keep tract of groups as they born and die. Voting is casted for most branches of government. The state gets to vote for their own people in one of the branches. Each group organized by the people may cast a vote to be equally represented in one of the branches of the federal government. The rest of the branches are to be voted in their own separate cycles by individual citizens. The organization of these votes are to be done by the states. (This section gives a detailed view of how your government is organized.) The court system is to be organized by the state and federal governments alone. The groups may only use this court system in their own legal dispute. Anytime a group is in violation of federal or state laws, it is the state they then takes the group to court.
Social Laws: Laws regarding social affairs are completely in the hands of the groups organized by the people. The legality of drugs, prostitution, gambling among other things vary between groups. The most popular will obviously have the most power as they represent the largest number of people. But smaller groups who represent a smaller number of people can still live in their ideal group. Overall the rights of individuals are, ideally, protected by all levels of government. Illegal actions within a group are to be regulated by this group alone. If firing a gun is illegal in one group, then one may be taken to court by that group alone. (This section gives a detailed view of how your government sets up laws regarding the social aspects of your country)
Economic Laws: Like the social laws, ones freedom in regards to how they purchase their personal property and how they are tax is mostly handed by the groups. The groups themselves have taxes levied by the state and federal governments to pay for the basic needs of the federal government. These taxes can be disputed amongst the many levels of government. It is overall accepted that goods and serves may be traded amongst individuals, but it still depends on the group the individual is located in. The individual still reserves the right to keep all personal property that they obtained legally from other groups and may leave with the same property. But trade amongst property may be regulated by the group. For example: In one group I was able to obtain drugs in exchange for the group's currency. I then move into another group with this property where drugs are illegal. The group may not steal my personal property away from me. But if I where to trade this cocaine for some bread then they may take this bread and the drugs away from me and the person I am trading with because drugs are illegal. Once you engage with trade within a group then they have the right to regulate this trade as they see fit. (Like the social laws, this section gives a detail view of how your government sets up laws regarding the economic and trade-related aspects of your country)
Overall, this is a decent example of how one should organize their post. I was of course unable to go into explicit detail and this view is by no means perfect. Feel free to post criticisms, questions, or comments of anyones country, or make up your own.
This is V1 of this thread. If it becomes popular enough I may revise this post later and update it.