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First off i want to say that i am eaither for or against aborition. I am not for it cause i do beleive that there are other opions if the mother dosn't want to keep the child. For instants there is adoption. there are hunders of people who can't have children, so i say if u don't want to keep ur child give the thought of letting some unlucky people who want to be parents the opertonity. Me myself is facing the fact that i may not be able to have a pregnacy (not to bring in my own issuse), but the truth of the matter is i would adoped an unwanted child so he or she can have the life that they are ment to have.
Now there are cercumstance that i would say that maybe its k for one to abort the baby. For example, a young women who was raped. I can understand why one may abort the the child especly if she is pregant. That child is a constent reminder of the man who raped her and the child could suffer, cause when the mother looks at her child she sees the man who raped her, and that can cause neglete toward the child.
Am I saying that its right? I have no answer for that. Am i saying i am wrong? no i am not saying anything eaither way. Cause i fully belive that it is up to the mother of the child what is done. They say that the father should have a choice in the matter but truthfully i don't think thats an opotion. why u ask? Well look at it this way, is he the one whos going to have to carry the child for nine months? Is he the one who is going to deliver the child? All iam saying is lets really think about this issue.