what are some good ones to start on 
Also, try the daily surveys found by clicking on "Daily" on the main page. You can do these once every 24 hours. Just remember that you have to "qualify" first....you will be asked a bunch of qualifying questions and if you don't qualify for a survey it will tell you so, but you can continue trying to qualify until you either do or there aren't any more that they can match you to. When you do complete a survey and get to a "congratulations" page, leave that window open for at least 5 minutes or so until you receive credit. If the survey is open in a separate tab/window, you can go back to your FusionCash tab/window, click on "Account" and refresh that page until you see your credit. OR you can download the FusionCash toolbar (if you haven't already) and the credit will show up there. Hope this helps, and welcome to FusionCash!!