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Topic: Mental Illness  (Read 1907 times)


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Mental Illness
« on: October 18, 2010, 06:59:03 pm »
Do you or someone you know suffer with this? If so, you understand how awful it can be to be hated against for something that is not in your control. Depending on what the diagnosis is, it can be mild or severe.

It is nothing to be ashamed about and if someone says you are "crazy" or "nuts" it really shows how little they know about the disease and the process it takes in the mind.

There are ups and downs and all arounds like a roller coaster. Bi Polar people for instance are either high or low, there is no in between like "normal" people and it can be difficult, to live with in such a cruel world.

It is said that people with voices or hallucinations that kill someone, make that person a victim, what I want to stress, is people that have mental illnesses are victims themselves.

With the proper treatment they can lead normal, rewarding lives.

I just hope they aren't so scared as to come forward and get help. It can be scary to tell people that you have things going on in your head that you can't understand.

I hear a lot of them claim it is God, and that may be true, but we are not trying to get rid of God, we are just trying to get you to be able to function. Most of the time, if you don't say anything people won't know.

That is scary about the "nuts", they could be sitting on your porch eating fruit loops with you and you would have no idea what is going on inside their head.

I have been called and diagnosed mentally ill because of my paranormal experiences and god experiences. It is sad. That is all they can do though. Call me mentally ill, but I am not doing anything wrong.

Mental institutions have come a long way. It isn't like the movies. Thank God. I do feel they have a lot to learn. And since these Psychiatrists and Doctors don't believe in God, I am led to believe they hurt a lot of people for things they don't understand.

I remember talking to my shrink and telling him everything I have said on the forum and then asked, I know you believe in Science and the big bang and don't believe in God but a lot of people do. Am I crazy, is any of this stuff real? So why do people believe in God anyways? What is the big old debate.

He said I think some of it is real but a lot of it isn't.
« Last Edit: October 18, 2010, 07:02:10 pm by marieelissa »


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Re: Mental Illness
« Reply #1 on: October 19, 2010, 05:30:56 pm »
And since these Psychiatrists and Doctors don't believe in God, I am led to believe they hurt a lot of people for things they don't understand.
    You're correct on this one, marieelissa and I just had a friend tell me the exact same thing on the phone less than thirty minutes

Many psychiatrists and doctors have a very strong belief in god, including my personal physician. It's not really fair to say none of them do, because it is not true. ;)
You are entitled to your own opinion, but you are not entitled to your own facts.


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Re: Mental Illness
« Reply #2 on: October 20, 2010, 01:33:47 pm »

I love dogs

once a dog told me this.

If you pretend you are mentally ill you will have a lot of benefits to live.

I had it all wrong.

I would never even tell someone if I felt depressed. Thinking it was a private thing.

But then I found out people make money on being depressed.

what kind of world we live in.  :thumbsup: for those who had the courage to do it.


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Re: Mental Illness
« Reply #3 on: October 20, 2010, 05:34:44 pm »
And since these Psychiatrists and Doctors don't believe in God, I am led to believe they hurt a lot of people for things they don't understand.
    You're correct on this one, marieelissa and I just had a friend tell me the exact same thing on the phone less than thirty minutes

Many psychiatrists and doctors have a very strong belief in god, including my personal physician. It's not really fair to say none of them do, because it is not true. ;)

Sleep and ice cream, and now this?  We do agree on some ;)

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