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Topic: I am getting a bit....  (Read 588 times)


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I am getting a bit....
« on: October 09, 2010, 04:46:42 pm »
Yup, even the most optimistic person can get tired of doing all the correct reguirements of such written rules...and still feel like you are getting stung by a bee....
Yes, I am the yippy skippy optimistic person, who always says to others...leave it behind you and move forward...use your energy for what the Baseball Team named "Future" holds for you...yadda...yadda do...
I was recently told....I have TBI
For the non-medical readers..this means Traumatic Brain Issues.
My reply.."oh yes, I have known this for years...but so many neurologist call it "stress" dementia" (especially if you are female)...
I have to laugh, ( ho ho) while they (MD) write prescriptions for seizures  because some study and the FDA decided that seizure medicines can "possibly"  help you in other ways. point..."Patients" beware....  Bring a medical advocate (the best) or at the very least "insist" the doctor write in "his" own" writing...what he/she just spit out to you in medical language. It might be OK if you are in the health field or respectfully speak latin and greek
Please do not get are a human being who "deserves" attention, respect and your dignity remains high...
To any doctor who might read this...I am not putting you down...I understand all your troubles with the insurances...But your patients are scarred, intimated by your high intelligence.  God Bless most of you...
it takes a few bad apples to make most of you look bad.  My intend, let us all be on the same medical page! :) Amen/God Bless.."Samaled"


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Re: I am getting a bit....
« Reply #1 on: October 09, 2010, 05:43:53 pm »
"Pop some pills and you'll be ok..."


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Re: I am getting a bit....
« Reply #2 on: October 12, 2010, 06:09:02 pm »
LOL, some tylenol.  :)


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Re: I am getting a bit....
« Reply #3 on: October 12, 2010, 06:16:17 pm »

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