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Topic: Petition to Revenue Canada  (Read 1165 times)


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Petition to Revenue Canada
« on: February 22, 2010, 06:03:58 pm »

Issued this 22nd Day of February, 2010, in the City of Vancouver , on behalf of 1,877 signatories

Concerning our request for an annulment of the charitable tax exempt status of the Roman Catholic Church, the Anglican Church of Canada, and the United Church of Canada

To the officers of Revenue Canada,

We, nearly 2,000 citizens of Canada, do hereby petition your Department to annul the charitable tax exempt status of the Roman Catholic, Anglican and United Church of Canada, on the following grounds:

1. These churches have consistently violated the terms of their tax exemption as defined under the Income Tax Act of Canada;

2. These churches are not contributing their assets and income towards the purposes of a charity, as defined by the Income Tax Act of Canada;

3. These churches were not originally registered as charitable societies, and therefore have operated wrongfully and fraudulently;

4. These churches are guilty of proven criminal acts which should not be financially subsidized or condoned by the government or the citizenry of Canada.

We contend that three essential questions bear on this matter:

1. Was the original purpose in establishing these churches a charitable one?

2. Have these churches acted consistently for wholly charitable purposes since their inception?

3. Are they presently?

We take as our definition of “charity” and charitable purposes” the one provided by the Income Tax Act, namely, that to constitute a charity, these churches must regularly be providing for the relief of poverty, or the advancement of education or religion, or other charities that are clear and obvious.

By every one of these definitions, these churches are not acting as charitable bodies, since they are not devoting their income entirely to any of these pursuits; and in fact, their actions are actually violating and undermining the advancement of their own religious beliefs, the relief of poverty, and so on.

To begin with our defining questions:

The Roman Catholic, Anglican and United Church of Canada were not established in Canada for charitable purposes, but rather to advance their own corporate self-interests and to further a political agenda described as “Canadianizing and Christianizing”. This agenda involved aiding the expansion of the British Empire into indigenous territories, destroying those cultures, stealing their lands and resources, and creating a politically reliable population under the dominion of the English Crown.

For example, in none of the legislation that legalized these churches’ operations in the various provinces and territories of Canada is any reference made to charitable aims or actions by these churches. The sole purpose of the churches according to these laws is their own operation and unity, as in the case of The United Church of Canada Act (1925), which legalizes the Union of Presbyterian, Methodist and Congregational churches. No mention is made in these laws to the purposes of these churches as being the relief of poverty, or the advancement of religion or education, or other charitable actions.

Indeed, in the case of the United Church of Canada, the Act establishing this church granted it the power to lend money, secure loans and issue promissory notes, and otherwise act as a financial institution, and not a charitable one.

Since these churches were not established for clearly stated charitable purposes, they could not have been legally registered as charities at their inception, and therefore have operated fraudulently under the law ever since their creation.

Since under Common Law, “Fraud mitigates all other action”, all laws that have ratified the operations of these churches must be considered invalid, and these churches have therefore been actively engaged in a massive fraud against the government and the people of Canada .

Accordingly, not only must the charitable status of the said churches be annulled, but they must be considered to be in arrears for all taxes and other payments to the government and the people of Canada that they would normally have paid since their inception as legal corporations in Canada .

Having been constituted fraudulently, these churches have not acted for any consistent charitable purpose since their legal establishment in Canada . Their actions have demonstrated that their primary purpose is not a charitable one at all, as defined by the laws of Canada , since a majority of their income and assets have not been applied to charitable works and aims.

All of these churches, the Catholic, Anglican and United Church of Canada , devote a substantial share of their income to corporate investments, legal and public relations expenses, and other non-charitable aims, including partisan political campaigns: in the case of the Roman Catholic Church, the regular political campaigning for funding for separate (ie, Catholic) schools, and in the case of the United Church, overt partisan statements and campaigns in favor of Palestinian nationhood, free abortion on demand and so on. Similarly, the actual public charities operated by these churches absorb a minority of their operating expenses. In the case of both Catholic and Protestant churches in Canada , the administrative costs outweigh their funding of charities by an order of more than fifteen to one, according to a survey done in 2006.

After Confederation, these churches were authorized as agents of the Crown and not as charitable bodies. They came into being and have operated since their creation as tax shelters, land agents and brokers, money lenders, recruitment officers at time of war, and as general arms of the state: hardly charitable activities.

3. None of these churches is presently acting as primarily charitable institutions, as any examination of their Annual Reports and Financial statements will reveal. In 1994, the United Church alone owned more than four billion dollars worth of property and nearly a billion dollars in its investment portfolio. Its clergy pension plan exceeded half a billion dollars. None of these assets are taxable, yet in the same year, the total charitable agencies operated by the United Church cost that body barely $40 million.

In the case of the international corporations to which the Roman Catholic and Anglican churches are affiliated, the assets and income of these churches far outstrip that of the United Church , and yet the number of charities run by these churches comprise less than 5% of their total operating budgets. (2006)

Since these points prove, we believe, that the Catholic, Anglican and United Church of Canada were not constituted and have not operated as charitable bodies as defined by the laws of Canada, and particularly the Income Tax Act, we reiterate our demand that the charitable tax exempt status of these fraudulent churches be revoked, and that they make payments and reparations to the government and people of Canada for all back taxes owed by them since their inception.

In addition, we believe that such an annulment and payment is required not simply by the fact that these churches have violated the terms of the Income Tax Act but because they are actual criminal bodies that cannot and should not be subsidized or in any way supported by the people and government of Canada.

In this regard, the establishment and operation by these churches of the Indian residential school system, in which more than half of the children died while under their legal care and as a result of deliberate homicidal intent by church employees and officers, constitutes a pre-meditated criminal conspiracy and a crime against humanity, as defined by international human rights conventions to which Canada is a signatory.

The Nuremburg Legal Standards, established at the United Nations in 1950, require that citizens abstain from supporting or financially sustaining any organization involved in or guilty of crimes against humanity, lest they collude in such crimes. The subsidizing of these churches by Canadian taxpayers therefore constitutes a form of such collusion with churches whose assets are being used today to conceal their crimes against residential school children, and exonerate wrongdoers.

An even more basic fact is that, by abrogating their most basic Christian doctrines of peace making and charity in favor of conducting a war of aggression and genocide against non-Christian peoples, these churches have posed and are falsely posing as Christian societies to avoid paying taxes, and are thereby engaged in an obvious fraud and deception.


By subsidizing the said churches in their active defrauding and robbing of the people of Canada, the Canadian government and its agency Revenue Canada has opened itself to a legitimate charge of colluding in a criminal conspiracy.

To correct this historic error and wrong, it is beholden on Revenue Canada to assess for itself the arguments we have made here, and undertake a thorough financial audit of the Catholic, Anglican and United Church of Canada.

Nevertheless, the proven violation by these churches of the terms of their tax exemption cannot go unpunished or unresolved. We therefore demand that the tax exemption of these churches be annulled, and that these churches be forced to begin paying taxes on all their property, income and assets, and repay all the back taxes owed by them since their inception.

If Revenue Canada fails to do so, and continues to allow proven fraudulent and criminal bodies to rob the people of Canada and force them into subsidizing crimes against humanity, then we will have no other recourse than to name your agency as an accomplice with these churches in this crime.

In such an eventuality, we will be compelled to take this matter before the courts of Canada , and if need be, international courts of law and world opinion, including before the United Nations.

We look forward to your response, and hereby request a convening of a formal investigation by Revenue Canada and the government of Canada including public hearings into these matters.

We humbly present this petition, as nearly two thousand citizens of Canada , who await and expect justice.

For the petitioners,

Rev. Kevin D. Annett, M.A., M.Div.

260 Kennedy St.

Nanaimo, B.C. Canada V9R 2H8


February 22, 2010

Delivered in person to the Revenue Canada Tax Office

1166 West Pender St.

Vancouver, B.C.

Taken from an online petition established under the sponsorship of the Friends and relatives of the Disappeared and the Hidden from History website. This petition can be viewed at:

Read and Hear the truth of Genocide in Canada, past and present, at this website: , and watch Kevin's award-winning documentary film UNREPENTANT on the same website.

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