I saw this device RE eggs on a commercial on TV to quickly make hard boiled eggs faster and peeling them was easier.
You put water in the device and then micro-wave for a few minutes.Then they showed you how to release the egg from the shell in a way that saved the time from peeling them.
The device sold for $20 and i think they gave you 2 of them.
I was tempted to buy it and havent yet.We are big fans of hard-boiled eggs and they are great too when you make homemade macaroni and potato salad and other delicious dishes.
I was wondering if any FC members may have bought this device and can give us a reference to how good it works.
I havent seen the commercial lately,usually i see it on ME TV and have been curious how good it works.
I haven't tried the new one but the idea is from the 50s. I still use the one mom bought years ago. It was made by Sunbeam product. It only has room for 5 eggs at a time. It worked great but lately it sometimes argues with me and the water boils out (even though I don't over fill it) and using 5 eggs, they don't get completely done. It saddens me because I love that egg cooker.
So i was wondering how different the old one was from the one on the TV info-mercial?
And if my memory serves me well SFREE,you said you also bought that device that saves electricity?
I put the post up about it over a yr ago and i can honestly say i have saved over a $1000 with it.You never mentioned it anymore so maybe you didnt have the fortune i had with it.
To answer your question, this was an all metal egg cooker. It did soft boiled, medium and hard boiled eggs. It isn't used in the microwave. You would piece the pointy end of the egg with the thingie in the lid, put them in the cooker and add water according to how done you wanted your eggs with the measuring lines also in the lid, then start it. It automatically stopped when done. The was my mom's from the '50s. I'll still use it but not with 5 eggs at a time. It takes no more than 5 minutes for hard boiled eggs. It is electric.
I did have something that supposedly worked in the microwave but it really didn't. Threw it out.