So so sorry mapiklfish.... i find myself a lot in life saying sorry to others when it's not my fault... but you know, as kids we learn, maybe we don't, we do later in life that sometimes just cause someone else made a mess we have to sometimes clean it up, especially if Got kids you know what i mean
So yeah... i apologize to mapiklfish and any one else suffering, whether it's coronavirus or fusion cash or tap research... but remember this and as a man of God that's trash i have to often remind myself of this, as i trade stocks, that we use money, we do not worship it, or love it... much as we need it... in otherwords I like to think, not every thing has a price, i can't be bought and would rather be homeless and die and so long as heaven I'm cool with that, than to trade my soul, sell my soul, for you know, money or something not morally right..
So anyway, lecture aside, lol, just wanted to say, ok, not my place, and often the people's who place it is, won't or don't So I will, I'm sorry for troubles...
Forgive.... and may God bless you mapiklfish.... again sorry and i pray that soon, this will like last time be sorted so that those of us who, depend upon it, can once again, be able to make ends meat etc..