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Topic: ALMOST babystroller nightmare  (Read 1280 times)


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ALMOST babystroller nightmare
« on: October 16, 2009, 04:18:51 am »
This is one of the saddest things that can happen to a parent watching in horror as your child's stroller cruises along towards a unknown fate. A woman lets go of the baby stroller bends down to pull up her pants and unbeknownst to her the baby stroller has sailed into the train tracks as and aproaching train is less then 2ft away and in sec right above her child. 
As you watch this whole drama play out you don't have time to pray you feel the strings to your heart breaking and cry inside for this baby whom is only 6mos old and its mother who is in hysterics because she can not believe her eyes.
Its unexplainable how the quick thinking  train conductor pulls the train to a halt  yet the train drags the baby nearly 90ft and the fact that this child survives this was a true miracale because just watching the news and the repeat of the scene from when the mom has bent down  there isn't anything that could have been done if things didn't happen right on time I'm glad this true story ened well.


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Re: ALMOST babystroller nightmare
« Reply #1 on: October 16, 2009, 04:48:42 am »
These situations can happen even with the most conscientious mother in charge. It really was a miracle.

Just yesterday, I was driving home when I saw a group of people with a baby stroller on the side of the road ahead of me. The car in the opposite lane stopped to allow the group to pass, but the cars in the lane closest to the group kept going. The woman started pushing the baby stroller, then caught sight of the cars in the lane closest to her. She jerked the stroller back just in time to avoid disaster. My heart pounded as I realized the nearest car had come only a few feet away from the baby, and how close I came from witnessing a horrible accident.

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