It's kinda funny how i see so many adults breaking the laws, texting/talking on their cell phones while driving, speeding, drinking and driving, ect. and yet some people think we should not drive until we're 18. why exactly? I understand that once your 18 your an adult and have to take full responsibility for your actions, but I know so many immature adults, and many responsible teens who make better decisions then some of these "adults" lol. I also understand that when your 18 your decision making skills should be developed, but that's actually not the case, when your 25 is when your fully developed, in your decision and behavioral development. But at 16 you should be able to get your license because by then a teenagers reflexes are faster then most and so is their sense of awareness. That's why I think there should be a law where after a certain age you can't drive. Also being 16 and driving is giving them experience, so that once they are an adult and on their own, they will/or should know what to do when it comes to driving. I also think, when it comes to being mature it doesn't matter how old you are because as I said before there are alot of Irresponsible adults out there. And as for why we are allowed to drink at 21 and drive at 16... I think its because driving isn't putting dangerous chemicals into an adolescent brain and damaging brain cells that aren't even developed yet. when you drink before 21, you're killing the brain cells that haven't developed and leaving it so they can't multiply which will leave you in the future without the maximum brain cells you could of had. Just my thoughts, although I think society's age limits on somethings are wrong, I do believe at 16 you should be able to drive. " drive defensively, as if everyone else is out to hit you" lot's of drivers who do not follow the law cause other innocent people to get hurt, therefore you should always be aware of your surroundings.