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Topic: Unemployment Rate Drops To 3.8  (Read 2276 times)


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Re: Unemployment Rate Drops To 3.8
« Reply #15 on: June 04, 2018, 01:24:06 pm »
Trump doesn't decide the unemployment rate. Can't give him credit for this one.  ::)


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Re: Unemployment Rate Drops To 3.8
« Reply #16 on: June 04, 2018, 01:49:54 pm »
Trump doesn't decide the unemployment rate. Can't give him credit for this one.  ::)

His policies affect the unemployment rate.


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Re: Unemployment Rate Drops To 3.8
« Reply #17 on: June 04, 2018, 03:29:36 pm »
Trump doesn't decide the unemployment rate. Can't give him credit for this one.  ::)

His policies affect the unemployment rate.
Trump doesn't decide the unemployment rate. Can't give him credit for this one.  ::)

The economy has done nothing but improve since he went in to office.  So yeah, he gets credit for that.  It doesn't matter what good things he does some people are going to bash him.


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Re: Unemployment Rate Drops To 3.8
« Reply #18 on: June 04, 2018, 04:10:37 pm »
Listen to the employees of the following companies after the great Trump tax cut:
 1. Pfizer:  set to save billions from the tax cut is laying cutting 300 research jobs.  Research that was working on Alzheimers and Parkinsons.
 2.  At&t:  cutting 4,000 jobs
 3.  Kimberly Clark (Kleenex & Huggies and more) closing 10 factories and laying off more than 5,000 workers
 4.  Comcast:  fired 500 employees while gaining over 12 billion due to the tax cut
 5.  Harley Davidson:  Who Paul Ryan used as an example to promote the the tax plan saying they would be able to give
     raises and hire more employees.  They have plans to close the Kansas City plant, firing 800 people and have plans
     open a plant in Thailand.   
 6.  Carrier who Trump and Pence said it was a great day in America when the tax cut was announced and they said it
      keep the plant in Indiana.  One year later with it's corporate tax rate slashed Carrier laid off 215 employees and
     those jobs went to Mexico where workers earn $3.00 an hour.

There are many more major companies that have followed the same as the above, all while shareholders are getting big payoffs.
I don't see it as Country Girl does where people don't want to work, all of these people who lost their jobs WANT to work.  Do you know what it's like to be 55-60 years old and have to begin looking for a new job?   I do, it's not easy.  They won't tell you it's due to your age but you know inside, it is. Not all unemployed people "don't want to work and want a paycheck".

The tax cuts are a good thing. If YOU want to give more money to the government then by all means mail them a check every month.  I personally saw my paycheck go up quite a bit. 

I stand behind my orig comment.  Most of the people who are unemployed and just can't find a job any where are not looking for a job anywhere.  A few years ago the preacher at the church I went to was huffing about his daughter (who was and still is a criminal) and she couldn't find a job and she had looked EVERYWHERE.  I promptly told him Taco Bell is hiring.  He snarls his face and said "she is not working at Taco Bell".  Well then don't say she has tried everywhere because she hasn't.  She has tried the places that she wants to work.  Or places that paid more than the wages she was worth.  When you had no education, no skills, and have an arrest history longer than your arm you cannot expect to get a really good job.  Not going to happen.

I will never understand how people can complain about their paychecks going up. smh.  That just does not make sense.

Hmm. My paycheck never went up. In fact, my pay is exactly the same as it was 10 years ago. My rent, however, has more than doubled in that time.

Also what people fail to realize is that fast food and other lower paying jobs are not so easily gotten when you're looking for work. My husband has two degrees and was laid off for a few years. He applied several times for various positions at the gas station a block away, just to have a bit of income while he looked for something better. They wouldn't even return his calls. Retail stores rejected him without an interview, because he doesn't have retail experience. Another place said he wasn't in their policy's acceptable age range. I don't know how that's even legal.


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Re: Unemployment Rate Drops To 3.8
« Reply #19 on: June 04, 2018, 04:14:41 pm »
I have a really hard time believing these numbers, when I keep hearing every day about store closings and company layoffs. Does the unemployment rate include all the folks whose unemployment benefits ran out and they're still out of work?


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Re: Unemployment Rate Drops To 3.8
« Reply #20 on: June 04, 2018, 05:59:25 pm »
I have a really hard time believing these numbers, when I keep hearing every day about store closings and company layoffs. Does the unemployment rate include all the folks whose unemployment benefits ran out and they're still out of work?

I totally agree!  Our company has sent more than 1600 jobs down to Mexico to save money and more layoffs by the end of this year.  Hanging on by a thread and hoping for the best. 


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Re: Unemployment Rate Drops To 3.8
« Reply #21 on: June 05, 2018, 04:08:19 am »
This is great news. It's time the economy took an upward turn for a change.  ;D


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Re: Unemployment Rate Drops To 3.8
« Reply #22 on: June 07, 2018, 01:51:49 pm »
The unemployment rate has not dropped.  As a matter of fact the rate is increasing with brick and mortar companies going out of business such as Carson Pirie Scott, Kmart and so forth.
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