Not to set the argument, but abortion is a medical need and does save lives. My older brother's mother-in-law would've died if given birth to one last child--way before my brother even met his wife so, he never would have know her, I never would have met my grandmother's sister-in-law if she didn't get one and a close friend of mine not only would have died, but the child would have been still-born if allowed to come to full term. I don't care about those that just got pregnant and now want to get rid of it. No. They are the reason everyone doesn't see abortions as a need. They are the reason everyone looks down upon abortions. If every life matters then why only care about an unborn child and not the mother who could die if the child comes to full term? The Catholic Church granted my grandmother's sister-in-law that abortion because when it comes down to it whose life is really more important? The one who could die or the one who is not yet born? And how does one even make that decision? The church did. They chose the life already, and honestly, they always will despite their public stance on abortion. In my friend's case, she has a serious medical condition and didn't plan on getting pregnant and excluding sex, she took every precaution not to. The doctors told her she's going to die if the child is carried full term and the child will be still-born if birthed. What about her? What about those like her? Because some girl got knocked up and doesn't want the kid those that could die if given birth, even if a c-section, are denied a right to live? Think about them. Think about their lives. There are always more than one story to any medical need. They are who I worry about. The rest of you are right if only considering the knocked up girls. Now consider the rest.