Recognize this one? The In Context surveys are "virtual reality" shopping in mass merchandisers or grocery chains enabling you to browse a specific shelf of items with your mouse picking out products that interest you enough to buy with virtual dollars and placing them in your shopping cart. Then, you cash out and answer some followup questions. It's really fun!
Technically speaking, since last year, I've noticed some improvements made to this survey. The survey used to crash on my PC before it completely loaded. That doesn't happen anymore and I've completed several of these surveys in the past few months.
But as recent as today, I find that when I get this offer, it gets hung up when going through the tutorial mode. It forces you to go through a tutorial right before your virtual shopping trip begins. Upon following the tutorial prompts it stops before going to the next step: "Pickup Product" in which it shows you the "hand" and how to move over a product to put it in your cart. There doesn't seem to be any way to get it to move as you can see the progress bar at the top. If I wait on it (after 10 minutes), I receive a "disconnect" warning. Upon clicking on the warning message, the tutorial will reload itself. So I try again. Then I find myself in a loop because it still won't advance to the "Pickup Product" part of the tutorial and the warning message returns. I click on it and the tutorial reloads again. Anybody ever have this problem?