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Topic: Referrals  (Read 461 times)


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« on: September 17, 2016, 01:28:34 pm »
This post is MY OWN OPINION and it may or may not even be true, but I promise if you read it with an open mind and put it to the test, you can find out for YOURSELF!

This post is about referrals and how you on Fusion Cash can get referrals. There are certain people out there who "THINK" they have all the answers. But anyway, it has to come to my attention that if you are to get referrals for Fusion Cash it's best to go with a paying hosting service like Bluehost, Godaddy and many more because of the ability to show you mean business. Now the other day I posted here in the forums a sample way of showing people you can use Free web hosting service and after looking at it I was not impressed with the result.

I believe if you truly want referrals and can show everyone your serious "you have to spend a little money to make money". I am not saying you can't use social media or flyers but the internet is a powerful tool in order to get people to join you.

(oldbuddy) commented and gave me some helpful advice and I was happy to know what I was doing people saw. He was quoted as saying "I was browsing the Forum on Fusioncash today and noticed your post advising people to get a free website and set up a blog to get referrals. I didn't want to spoil your broth, but that is terribly wrong advice.". How can you give wrong advice! He also went on to say "I have been on Fusioncash for 9 years (and counting) and I know a little about getting referrals (I have over 800)" and just because you have 800 people don't mean you know it all! He went on to say more "using free hosting is shooting yourself in the foot just to save a couple of bucks a month" which I thought was a little bit of a sting coming from someone who has 800 plus. It makes a world of difference when you have to work an hour or two just to make a little money when all your referrals is what helps you cash out again and again.

This is what I couldn't believe though was when he said "When I see your Wix website the FIRST thing I think of is, "looks like he isn't making much, so why should I trust him?" So that is a statement from someone who has the ability to sit at the top of the mountain looking down upon others who are not in the same boat to say your not to be trusted. It wasn't until this statement that made me realize the truth of who he really is advising me to spend money on web hosting by saying "You can buy at GoDaddy for $3 the first year and get hosting at for another $12 a year. If it's not paying for itself after a year, just let it die. If you are making money you can renew i like a person who is brand new has a chance to reach 800 people.

He finally said this "Just some free helpful advice from someone who has been doing this for a while," which I thought was a statement that stunned me the most. Helpful advice when you just took what was an experiment and slammed it to the ground.

I am not saying his advice don't work for those with a sizable pocketbook but this was just an experiment to help other's see what doing a site could look like. Yea am I not a webmaster sure but all I know is that if your going to obtain referrals then do it your own way. Don't let someone who sits on top of a mountain who spends less than 1-2 hours a day on Fusion Cash blow what you think is right be wrong..

I am not perfect that I will tell you and this post is not meant to hurt (oldbuddy) but this is to advise other's that if you have the means start a blog/website with paid hosting service and can do so and if you dont then try the FREE way and just see what happens. Free is not always a bad thing.

I know this is not very long to signal a genuine upturn, but it was encouraging enough to me to pass on.

For What It's Worth!
« Last Edit: September 17, 2016, 01:54:11 pm by Dvessella1983 »


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Re: Referrals
« Reply #1 on: September 18, 2016, 04:35:52 am »

I am not perfect that I will tell you and this post is not meant to hurt (oldbuddy) but this is to advise other's that if you have the means start a blog/website with paid hosting service and can do so and if you dont then try the FREE way and just see what happens. Free is not always a bad thing.

I seriously doubt oldbuddy will be hurt by what you say.  But you may want to think twice about taking a veteran and very well respected user's private advice (genuinely given) and publicly commenting on it in a way that really reads like an attack.

You try to post quite a bit of helpful information on the boards and I am sure you have helped out some other newbies who have read your posts, but you hurt your credibility by going public with your hyper critical assumptions about a user sitting on the top of a mountain.  I think those were your words, not his, but if he IS on top of the mountain, he did not just land there by accident.

Keep up the good work and keep helping people out. If you decide to keep using your system -- free or not, GREAT. But you have  to keep your own credibility in mind when posting in the forums.

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