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Topic: So this whole swine flu thing...  (Read 8165 times)


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Re: So this whole swine flu thing...
« Reply #45 on: October 31, 2009, 06:42:11 pm »
Swine flu has been around in my town now and we live in a small community of less than 18,000 people. So when the whole situations reached even here you could see why people might be a little uneasy. Most people don't got good knowledge on it though so they assume things that are incorrect about the swine flu leading them to hysteria and what not. Personally it just seems like the flu to me. I am sick right now and for al I know I have this 'swine flu' thing, but I'm just fine, so obviously it isn't anything as serious as they make it. No need for Obama to declare national emergency!

Once again, it's just now reaching November.  The flu season is just now starting up and 5,000 people have already died worldwide from swine flu related illness.  There is widespread flu activity all around the world at a time of year where there really shouldn't be that much.  Would you rather officials wait around and hope nothing bad happens or take precautions and prevent anything that could be bad?

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