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Topic: Human  (Read 394 times)


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« on: March 30, 2014, 09:31:39 am »
I don't like when scientists categorizing humans as animals. We (humans) are more far advanced than animals. We have the art of reasoning; animals don't. On top of that, we are the only creature that resemble God; because God said "let us create man to our image". I have a hard time accepting that we humans are animals. I believe that if we think ourselves as  animals; we will act as animals. I strongly believe  that I am a man who was born with the image of God. That's what make us different from our four legged and winged friends or from any other species from the face of the Earth.


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Re: Human
« Reply #1 on: March 30, 2014, 09:35:54 am »
Some humans act worse than animals. 


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Re: Human
« Reply #2 on: March 30, 2014, 10:28:31 am »
I agree!  God put man over all the domestic animals when we as a human where created.  He had the responsibility of naming the animals and God created mankind in his image and when he created mankind he gave us the breath of live and we became a living soul.  God does expects us to take care of animals and not abuse them but we are not equal to them.  They have instinct where as we have free will we make our decisions where as animals use basic instinct and he doesn't require animals to worship him and take heed to his word.
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Re: Human
« Reply #3 on: March 30, 2014, 11:34:30 am »
I don't like when scientists categorizing humans as animals. We (humans) are more far advanced than animals. We have the art of reasoning; animals don't. On top of that, we are the only creature that resemble God; because God said "let us create man to our image". I have a hard time accepting that we humans are animals. I believe that if we think ourselves as  animals; we will act as animals. I strongly believe  that I am a man who was born with the image of God. That's what make us different from our four legged and winged friends or from any other species from the face of the Earth.

I actually feel the complete opposite.  Animals are far more advanced than any humans I know.  Animals kill to survive, whereas a human will kill for the thrill of it - to have a trophy or just to hurt something or someone they THINK is "below" them.  Animals DO "feel."  They feel pain, love, AND despair.  We humans are SUPPOSED to be the ones with a heart and a brain - we are SUPPOSED to "know better," but seeing how the world is going these days, I see none of that.  We have so very much to learn from animals.  Perhaps we should start listening instead of thinking we're "superior."

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