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Topic: Completed offers expiring in account :(  (Read 4245 times)


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Re: Completed offers expiring in account :(
« Reply #15 on: January 30, 2014, 09:15:30 pm »
Just keep plugging away. If you've been away a while there should be plenty available. I'd suggest the paid to call as it can help you make up some ground quickly.


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Re: Completed offers expiring in account :(
« Reply #16 on: January 31, 2014, 02:46:03 pm »
that same thing is happening to me, why do they even have that. i was going to cashout on time but they rejected it becuase i need to send in some fax and till the day they havent answered my fax -.-


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Re: Completed offers expiring in account :(
« Reply #17 on: February 01, 2014, 08:30:25 am »
Oh man. I hope you can cashout before the money really ticks away and it's pointless to even try.


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Re: Completed offers expiring in account :(
« Reply #18 on: February 01, 2014, 09:58:52 am »
I know! I was gone for a few months when my child was born and came back to a LOT of expired offers and lost money as well as tons of offers that were gonna expire in the next few days that I couldn't cash out in time. Lost like $20. You're right, FC got paid for the offer so it doesn't seem fair to take it away. Oh well. :/


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Re: Completed offers expiring in account :(
« Reply #19 on: February 10, 2014, 06:10:16 am »
Hope everything goes good for you


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Re: Completed offers expiring in account :(
« Reply #20 on: February 10, 2014, 09:06:28 am »
 :) I was off for 6 months for medical reasons. I had the same problem but decided to work through it. It took me 2 months of hard computer work to undo the mess. I decided to hang in there and finish it because it is one of the few sites that I can make $25/month.

My advice, just get busy again. Sorry and I understand but quitting means you lose everything.  :)


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Re: Completed offers expiring in account :(
« Reply #21 on: February 10, 2014, 01:45:47 pm »
Happened to me, too. I had medical issues and lost $8 in less than a week.  Although I tried hard, I just never seemed to qualify for a lot of surveys and not being a spring chicken, I was timed out of a lot of tasks. My internet explorer was compromised so I couldn't use the FC Toolbar for paid searches. I try hard but I can't do those items that cost anything because I deal strictly in cash and I don't get a lot of videos to do. Even Peanut Labs doesn't like me. It really depressed me and I figured I would give up FC but I plod on. Some days I only qualify for the daily email and a couple videos but even those videos are only half centers, yet terribly long for those half cents. Other days, it's a luxury and it seems that I qualify for everything I attempt.

I'm just about ready to cash out for my second time. It's not a fabulous fortune, but it's better than my first attempt. Hang in there.


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Re: Completed offers expiring in account :(
« Reply #22 on: February 13, 2014, 05:40:02 pm »
Sorry about your offers expiring but rules are rules like them or not.  It is hard to be on the computer every day for hours.  But with just a little bit of time you could make some $$, with the dailies, the videos and a survey once in a while you should be able to ear some $$ to cash out every few months (2 or 3) and that should be good for you.  If you could post a message or two everyday you will get the $3 posting and that helps for the acrue $$ and you FC bank, every little penny helps. It is hard but just stick to it, it will be good.  Good Luck
« Last Edit: February 13, 2014, 05:42:25 pm by lywb2168 »
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Re: Completed offers expiring in account :(
« Reply #23 on: February 16, 2014, 10:01:22 am »
I haven't been active for a while due to some personal things going on in my life that took priority over FC and I just started logging back into the site the past couple days. Some of my past offers I earned have started to expire since I don't have enough to cashout yet. It's really disheartening because I've lost like $2 in two days and I have more that will expire today and tomorrow. It's impossible to re-earn those lost amounts plus some just to get ahead each day. I'm actually so upset it that it makes me just want to leave. What's the point in earning .50 today when I'm gonna lose $1 today or .25 tomorrow when I'm gonna lose .50?

I know they have a "clearing the books" rule when you wait too long to cashout... but in the grand scheme of things it's unfair because it forces members to earn a certain amount within a certain time and FC also got paid for the offer no matter how long ago you completed it and you just didn't get your share of it.

I don't like seeing my earnings taken away every day now and feeling like I have to scramble and break a sweat just to even it out, let alone get ahead.
"Clearing the Book" rules exist for a variety of reasons, the chief reason being for taxes.  I am sorry that you are feeling discouraged by offers of yours expiring, but it really isnt that difficult to recoup what you have lost.  Go thru and check out some of the tasks and daily surveys.  If you get disqualified just keep trying.  The important thing is to get back into some sort of rythem or groove for your preferred method of money making on FC.

The reasons behind it really don't have anything to do taxes.


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Re: Completed offers expiring in account :(
« Reply #24 on: February 16, 2014, 11:39:03 am »
Sorry to hear about your loses.  I doubt if FC will change their 180 day rule as they want "active participation".  I know when I am active for a few minutes each and every day I can reach payout in three months with no problems.  But, I too have a life and sometimes I just need a break for a month or two.  Such has been the case with me.  I have been away from FC for a couple of months and I had to check when my last payout was and where my cash out / approved break last occurred.  I have about 3 months before I start losing money so I better get back in the habit of logging in each day and get my next cashout out of the way so I can reset my 180 days.  It is examples like yours that helps remind others.

Again, so sorry for your losses.  My heart goes out.  But thank you for reminding me all that I have to loose if I don't stay on top of it.  God Bless you and yours!


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Re: Completed offers expiring in account :(
« Reply #25 on: February 16, 2014, 06:21:09 pm »
I understand and I'm sorry this is happening to you. I really, really believe that you can do it. You seem very sweet and  smart. I know it's hard, but it sounds like with everything you've been through that you are definitely a fighter and won't give up!   :glasses-nerdy: Look at it as a challenge and once you get going it may make you a better earner than before because then you'll know more about how to earn and faster. I will expect you to give me some tips when that happens.  ;) :highfive: Best of luck to you!!


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Re: Completed offers expiring in account :(
« Reply #26 on: February 16, 2014, 10:13:13 pm »
I know some people think that you make so much money that you can cash out way before the 6 months but sometimes health problems or some bad circumstances happen where you can't go on here for a while. That happened to me once and almost did this time myself. I got lucky and was able to come on around 3 months after I got my casho ut the last time. I got fortunate.  What people don't understand is yes she can earn a lot of money today forward but it won't keep some earnings that she already earned from disappearing before she could cash out this month if she does earn enough money to cash out this month so no more gets took a way after that.

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