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Topic: Is 'Using My Cane' a Way of 'Openly Fasting' (Like Lord Jesus Commands Against)?  (Read 1061 times)


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Lord Jesus commands His followers not to 'fast openly' (i.e. to not 'really spotlight' the fact that they're going without food, to not 'go without bathing & other things,' but rather to clean up & present themselves as if they were fully fed).

It could be said that I'm doing something similar to 'fasting openly,' walking with a cane everywhere I go---really spotlighting the facts that I do not have a car, couldn't use one if I did, and don't possess the capability to maintain employment in order to acquire (and maintain) a car.

I could walk around without the cane, but (aside from the other reasons I use it) it serves as 'a mark I must bear.' ...

That's the prophecy, anyway. But I'm still a living human, so I want to get straight into the reason-stuff: reason 1) a Traumatic Brain Injury left me-partly blind in the left eye and -a little unbalanced (or a little more-unbalanced ... I was a weird, 'gifted' kid); reason 2) as people use cars to 'take weight off their feet,' so the cane takes a little weight (about a quarter of my weight, more if I really lean on it) off each step.

Hmmm ... the traffic-law people should require a 'license' for people to use canes (a license earned by injuries such as mine)  :thumbsup:
------------------------------------------------------------------------------That's what a Pharisee might say today. You now have the chance to respond as my mentor Jesus-of-Joseph would, and I pray that you will!


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Sorry to hear of your hardships mythociate.

The reason Jesus tells us to fast in private is the same as praying in private.To not make a show of something personal between us and God.I'm sure you'd agree,using your cane doesn't fall in that category and wouldn't offend God.

Google JediJohnnie and May the Force be with you!

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