if you think money - even a little additional here at FC is going to help - it will not - until you make a budget - it isn't the money coming in that is the issue - it is the money going out that is the issue - yet the stupids in our government have not figured that out - for that matter most have not figured it out - budget - budget - budget - if you don't know what you are spending then you don't know how much you need - the universe will only give you what you need - unfortunately, most do not understand money - it isn't really taught or even encourage to learn about money - only how to spend - i've never had a need for money because i know how to make money - even in small amounts to very, very large sums - so you think $1,000,000 is a lot - well $1.00 is a lot when you have nothing - when you make every penny count you will always have money - never be a slave - not to money - to people - to things or to the government - learn about money - know how to make it - but most important know how to get your monies worth in life - IMHO >> In My Humble Opinion - The MUSEUM, Zazzle, deviantART, ArtFire, FineArtAmerica