What I am learning is there are two things you should do: 1)lower your debt and 2)increase your income. What I mean by lowering your debt is eliminating any bills that aren't necessary (ex., cable, gym membership). If you've done that, then that's when the second part comes into play. You can only save so much but if you increase your income, you have the potential to save even more. You can do this by taking on a part-time job and continuing with FC of course. You can also search google for other online money-making opportunities. No matter what your income level is, it is important that you pay yourself first, even if it's only $1. That's how you will start to build any kind of savings. You can also put your change in a jar and label it "savings." The bottom line is you need to have a plan. For example, how much can you save each month, each week, etc.? Write down all your expenses for the month and total them up. Then write down all the income you make for the month and total that up. This will help you to decide how much you can pay yourself. Focusing on the bills will come after that. Just remember, you take control of the money, don't let the money take control of you.
Please tell me how I can increase my income. I'm not being smart but I have heard this over and over. It took me forever to get the job I have now. It's part time and there are no other jobs available. No one hires for full time any longer. Most just hire for temporary. It's hard for some people to save money because it takes everything they make to just survive. And there are tons who are trying and don't get paid enough to survive. 
It may be hard, but it's not impossible. Maybe you can't save $1, but how about 50 cents? Or 25cents, 10cents, etc.? Either you're going to plan to save or you're not. It has been a little rough for my husband and I, but just recently we were able to pay to have some work done on our car. All because I had some savings put aside. It took almost all of it, but now our car is fixed. You can put all your focus on your current situation, or you can ask yourself, "How can I increase my income?" You can take control if you want to. There are income opportunities all around you that may not be advertised like "jobs." You just have to start looking. Online is a good place to start. You can find something you like to do and figure out how to make income from it.