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Topic: Got any headache cures?  (Read 2627 times)


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Got any headache cures?
« on: October 11, 2009, 09:25:33 pm »
I seem to get headaches all the time for various reasons (not enough sleep, too much sleep, not enough exercise, stress, :BangHead:, not drinking enough water), and I tend to have a hard time making them go away. I have some tea and excedrin almost every morning, which doesn't do it, although adding ibuprofen sometimes does...but staying away from painkillers would probably be smart.

So, yeah. Know any headache cures that actually work? A fellow TA did a hair-pulling thing that actually helped, but I can't seem to do it to myself.
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Re: Got any headache cures?
« Reply #1 on: October 11, 2009, 09:35:06 pm »
The tension on my hair is usually what causes them to start.


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Re: Got any headache cures?
« Reply #2 on: October 11, 2009, 09:58:47 pm »
It depends on what kind of headaches they are. I have Migraines  pretty often, and short of prescription drugs, there isn't much I can do to make them go away. An ice pack on my head helps sometimes.
For sinus headaches, the ones you get in your forehead over your eyes, in your nose, cheeks, etc. I found a great relief in a Sinus Rinse. You can get them from Walmart or drugstores. It's basically a bottle of Saline you spray up one nostril and it comes out the other. Then you switch nostrils and do it again. I know it sounds gross, but it really helps mine.
It doesn't hurt or burn like getting water up your nose usually does. If you have the headaches that hurt worse when you lay down or bend forward, it's probably sinus and it could help.
If you keep having daily headaches though, I would go to a doctor if you can, just to be safe. I found out mine were made worse by having high blood pressure, so you never know.
I hope you find something that works, daily headaches can make you miserable.


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Re: Got any headache cures?
« Reply #3 on: October 11, 2009, 10:31:05 pm »
unfortunately, i'm in that boat with you. lights and
smells are enemies that have been taunting me
ever since i can remember. sometimes, they turn
into full blown migranes -- the kind where you need
to be cold and in the dark to feel okay (or that's
how it is for me atleast  :sad1:

as far as medication goes, nothing works for me
as well as excedrin tension headache. however, i hate
the idea of always turning to a pill too...

i was reading about pressure points that relieve
headaches, and a strange one was pinching between
the thumb &forefinger. it actually seemed to help a
little. there are also these gel masks that i've been
wanting to try - you keep them in the fridge so
they're ready when you need 'em. they seem like
they would be a little more effective than the old
wet washcloth  :dontknow:
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Re: Got any headache cures?
« Reply #4 on: October 12, 2009, 07:21:04 am »
I normally just take some Advil or Aleve and then take a nap and hope it goes away. lol

It usually does.

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