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Topic: homeschoolers  (Read 702 times)


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« on: June 15, 2009, 05:22:55 am »
this topic has popped up in other posts so, why not dedicate room for this discussion.
i homeschooled my oldest and loved it. the one thing i would do differently now: find others who are also homeschooling and share ideas and work together.
my son liked it but found it hard to stay commited...i understand - imagine having the same teacher day after day/year after year. it helps if they can mingle with other homeschooled kids (helps the parents, too).
that was 10 years ago...homeschooling is coming around to all now. it's not just viewed as that stereotypical hippie-family or religion-only based reasons for homeschooling. families are doing it for all different reasons...we just wanted to keep the textbook school psychologists and childless education experts out of such an important part of our son's life. 
education is all about school statistics now, that's why they are cramming so much into these kids and not allowing time for them to just be kids. my youngest right now are 5,6, and 12. i would love to travel the country while homeschooling. a family just pulled into our campground last night, for 3 months. the dad is a stay-at-home dad who homeschools and the mom is a traveling nurse. these kids are so happy, smart , and well-adjusted - very social.  that's MY dream! and i told my husband so..."we can do that".
Another thing...i am an adult student. i have classes with kids who were homeschooled ..So, going to college isn't an issue for homeschooled kids anymore- they do go on to college and i find that they are, again, well-adjusted, intelligent, and prepared for college life.
i just want to hear about why people are homeschooling - pros and cons that they face - how to find other families to network with
and those that don't homeschool/or, even if you aren't a parent ... what do you think about the topic?


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Re: homeschoolers
« Reply #1 on: June 15, 2009, 05:29:13 am »
The only real benifit of public schools is the interaction with other children. Learning social skills.

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